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Part 4: Tips For Integrating Energy Healing Into Your Sleep Routine Practical Tips: Start Small: If you’re new to energy healing, start with simple practices, such as holding a calming crystal or listening to a short sound healing session before bed.

Part 3: Creating A Sleep-Conducive Environment With Energy Healing Clearing Negative Energy: Smudging: Use sage or palo santo to smudge your bedroom, clearing away any negative or stagnant energy that may have accumulated. Light the smudge stick and allow the smoke to

Part 1: The Connection Between Energy Healing & Sleep Quality sleep is essential for maintaining overall health and well-being, yet many people struggle with sleep issues such as insomnia, restless nights, and disrupted sleep patterns.

Part 4: Conclusion One of the key principles behind Biofield tuning is the idea that our bodies are made up of vibrating energy fields that can become out of balance or blocked. When these energy fields are not in harmony, it

Part 3: How To Incorporate Biofield Tuning Into Your Life Incorporating Biofield tuning into your life can be a transformative experience. Here are some steps to get started:

Part 2: Benefits To Biofield Tuning Biofield tuning offers numerous benefits for those who incorporate it into their healing practices. Some of the key benefits include:

Part 1: Introduction To Biofield Tuning & The Science Behind It Biofield tuning is a fascinating and emerging field of energy healing that involves the use of tuning forks to detect and correct imbalances in the human energy field, or Biofield.

An Element Of Faith: Always Start Your Prayer With A 'Thank You'! “Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe.”- Saint Augustine Sometimes we wonder why our prayers are never

Part 4: Nurturing The Manifestation: Trusting The Process As you bask in the glow of your activated crystal grid, remember that manifestation is a journey, not a destination. Trust in the universe's divine timing and remain open to unexpected blessings. Nurture

Part 3: Activating The Grid: Infusing Intentions With Energy Congratulations, you've assembled your crystal grid! But before its magic can unfold, it requires activation. This step is where you infuse your grid with the energy of your intentions. Close your eyes,

Part 1: Embarking On A Path To Manifesting With Crystal Grids Welcome to the realm of spiritual exploration! If you've just begun your journey, you're in for an enlightening experience. Today, let's delve into the mystical world of crystal grids. These

Part 4: Rebirthing & Renewing Yourself Physically Physical rebirth and renewal are essential for nurturing our bodies and improving our overall health and vitality. Our bodies are constantly renewing themselves on a cellular level, and by promoting this natural process, we

Part 3: Rebirthing & Renewing Yourself Emotionally Emotional rebirth and renewal are crucial for healing past wounds and cultivating emotional well-being. Many of us carry emotional baggage from past experiences, which can weigh us down and hinder our growth. Rebirthing

Embracing Spiritual Rebirth: A Journey Of Inner Transformation The cycle of rebirth and renewal is intricately woven into the fabric of our existence. As we journey through our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical realms, the desire to shed old layers and

Spiritual Essence Of Ramadan At its core, Ramadan is a time for spiritual renewal and connection to the divine. Practitioners seek spiritual enlightenment by increasing their prayer, reciting the Quran, and engaging in acts of worship. Ramadan emphasises the importance of spiritual

Mental Essence Of Ramadan Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, is a time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion. Aside from its religious significance, Ramadan has profound mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual implications for practitioners.

The Frequency Of Love As February unfolds, the air becomes infused with an ethereal essence—a celebration of love in all its forms. Beyond the roses and heart-shaped tokens, there exists a profound energetic force that transcends the tangible and plunges into

Navigating The Journey - Embracing The Unseen Forces Understand that the path to manifesting 2024 is not always linear, and the forces at work extend beyond the visible spectrum. It necessitates active participation as well as a nurturing mindset. Energy healing,

Soul Setting - Illuminating The Path Within We transcend the material and dive into the essence of our desires in the realms of soul setting. It is a process of aligning with the soul's purpose and allowing our manifestations to be

Setting The Energetic Foundation For 2024 As we stand at the threshold of a new year, the canvas of 2024 awaits the strokes of our intentions, shaped not merely by resolutions but by the energy we infuse into it.

Cultivating Self-Compassion In the final segment, we'll explore the importance of self-compassion in nurturing your inner child's energy. In order to acknowledge and validate the feelings and needs of your inner child, self-compassion is essential. By cultivating self-compassion, you provide your inner

Uncovering And Releasing Emotional Baggage This week, let's delve into the process of uncovering and releasing emotional baggage—something your inner child desperately needs. Uncovering and releasing emotional baggage is a transformative journey that allows us to heal deep-seated wounds and create space

Healing Through Playfulness Now that we've introduced the idea of your inner child's energy, let's explore how playfulness can be a powerful tool for healing. When we tap into our inner child's energy and embrace playfulness, we open ourselves up to a

Part 1: Embracing The Inner Child's Energy The concept of the inner child may sound like a psychological term, but it's something deeply embedded within each of us, waiting to be acknowledged and nurtured. This isn't about therapy; it's about tapping

Benefits & Applications Of Shadow Work The rewards of shadow work are profound and far-reaching. Engaging in shadow work allows individuals to uncover and heal deep-seated emotional wounds, leading to a greater sense of self-awareness and personal growth. Furthermore, the insights

Integrating The Shadow The ultimate goal of shadow work is not to eliminate or suppress the shadow, but to integrate it into your conscious self. Integration leads to greater wholeness and authenticity. By integrating our shadow, we are able to understand

The Process Of Shadow Work Shadow work is a transformative journey that involves introspection, self-compassion, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths about oneself. By delving into the depths of our subconscious, shadow work allows us to uncover and integrate the

Understanding The Shadow The concept of the "shadow" in psychology was popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. It refers to the hidden or unconscious aspects of our personality that we suppress or deny. These aspects often contain repressed emotions, desires, fears,

Integrating Sound Healing Into Your Life Now that we've explored the origins, methods, and benefits of sound healing and sound therapy, let's discuss how you can incorporate these practices into your daily life.

The Benefits Of Sound Healing & Sound Therapy The use of sound healing and therapy offers a wide range of benefits for individuals seeking holistic well-being. Let's explore some of the profound advantages these practices can bring to our lives.

Methods Of Sound Healing Sound healing spans a vast range of techniques and approaches, each with its own set of methodologies and instruments. Let's look at some of the most common methods of sound healing and therapy. These methods include chanting,

Introduction To Sound Healing Happy New Month, Dear Readers! With the rising popularity of Sound Healing Therapies. This month, I'll take you on a journey through the realm of Sound Healing Therapy.

Understanding Intuition Intuition, sometimes defined as a silent but powerful companion on our decision-making journey, is an intriguing cognitive process that extends beyond conscious reasoning. Intuition draws on our subconscious knowledge and experiences, allowing us to make quick judgements and judgements

Connecting With The Earth: Earth-Based Techniques For Inner Balance & Harmony EARTH-BASED TECHNIQUES Earth-based practises are ideal for when you are feeling scattered, flighty, or overly reactive. Earth is good for settling chaotic energy and gathering it together so that it can

Harnessing The Elements: Fire & Air Techniques For Energy Clearing FIRE-BASED TECHNIQUES Fire is sometimes an effective clearing ally. As with water, you can use fire in your energy-cleansing practises by using candles, burning objects yourself, and using visualization. It can be

Discover The Power Of Mindfulness In Preventive Healing & Self-Care - Article by Shahwana What we see, we embrace, but what we don't see, we tend to take for granted. Until there is pain and discomfort, we often neglect certain parts

Harnessing The Power Of Water: Effective Energy-Clearing Techniques For Cleansing & Refreshing Any activity that allows you to remove unwanted or negative energy qualifies as an energy-clearing practise or technique. They create space in the physical and energetic bodies.

Forgive, Let Go & Embrace Growth - Article by Shahwana Every day, we struggle internally with so many memories haunting us of the past, many of us keep the resentment that is carried on for years and years. If only we

Exploring the Impact of Honouring Commitments  - Article by Shahwana In many instances, we commit to something or someone but don't follow up on the promises we made. It could be anything - from making casual commitments to serious ones. For

Stay Above The Line - Embrace Joy, Peace, & Positive Choices! There are times when we have to hit the pause button and reflect. Reflecting allows us to gain clarity and perspective on our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It helps us

Shaping Your Reality & Aligning With Positive Energies Through Conscious Choices Do you realise that everything you experience or attract into your life is the result of a single, simple choice you make? Every moment offers us the chance to exercise our

Get Ready To Experience Peace & Illumination With Twin Hearts Meditation - Article by Shahwana In the world we are living in today, it's very easy to get all stressed up, develop unnecessary fear and have anxiety attacks, which is commonly

Are You On Your Ascension Journey? Have you been feeling "different" lately? When on your path of Healing, the process can sometimes feel like you are moving ten steps forward and ten steps backward. But at the same time, you notice things

Discover The Key Habits For Embracing Change & Cultivating Self-Awareness - Article by Shahwana You need to begin by taking baby steps towards becoming a better version of yourself. Awareness is the key to understanding yourself. Ask yourself: where do I need

Achieving Equilibrium: Uniting Body & Mind For Optimal Well-Being A year Ago, I quit my full-time Job. I felt lost and unfulfilled, was mentally and physically exhausted, you could say that energetically, I was totally spent! I had gained weight; I

Embracing Reflection: The Power Of Seeing Ourselves In Others - Article by Shahwana When we see ourselves in other people, it can be a great opportunity for growth if we are willing to do the work. Most of us have probably come

Part 4: The Dark Side Of People Pleasing & Be Still THE DARK SIDE OF PEOPLE PLEASING Do you know a people pleaser? Are you one? Master manipulators are another name for people-pleasers. And at some point in our lives, we have all

Exploring The Power Of Karma & How It Shapes Our Lives - Article by Shahwana “Just as you created your present condition through your past, you create your future condition through your present deeds.” - Grand Master Choa Kok Sui The philosophy

Part 3: Removing Barriers On A Personal And Global Level & Allow The Inner Fire To Rise REMOVING BARRIERS ON A PERSONAL AND GLOBAL LEVEL Knowing what you don't want and what you want to avoid will help you decide who you

Part 2: Intuitive Chaos As A Reaction To Global Chaos & To Do, To Be, Or Not

Part 1 : Level Up Your Wisdom & Create Amidst The Chaos Hello Friends! Hope you have all been well. As you may have noticed, I was on a break for a while. Several things prompted me to take a step

How To Handle Unexpected Events - Article Submitted by Shahwana Life is uncertain. No matter how much we mentally prepare, certain events like death and medical expenses come with their own load of unexpectedness.

Meditate & Listen To The Stillness - Article by Shahwana I come across many people, in my workshops where I teach Pranic Healing, and when a subject of meditation is brought out, 80% of the students say, I cannot meditate, I

Green Tourmaline: For Physical & Emotional Healing! - Article by Shahwana Green Tourmaline is a mineral species known as Elbaite, which is a member of the Tourmaline group of minerals. It is a semi-precious gemstone that is praised for its lush

Crystals: Touch the Essence of Life - Article by Shahwana One of the unique and valuable gifts of nature is the crystals and gemstones. What makes crystals so unique is the ability of crystals to absorb and store energy, as well

Positive Affirmations For Building Self-Confidence & Enhancing Your Overall Well-Being - Article by Shahwana Mantras and affirmations have been used since time immemorial to achieve results. From ancient Vedic chants to modern-day affirmations, people have been using words and phrases to

What Is Meditation On Twin Hearts? Every day you take a shower. Practising the Meditation on Twin Hearts is like taking a Spiritual Shower. When your aura is clean, you experience a Higher Level of awareness. When your aura is

Let's Embrace Gratitude, Forgiveness, Charity, Celebration, Reflection, & Unity On This Joyous Occasion Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion celebrated by Muslims around the world. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from sunrise

Bowing: A Sign Of Respect - Article by Shahwana Bowing has the quality of consciously evoking spirit and conveys a sense of reverence for the people involved. To many in the 21st-century, bowing is a lost art. Sure, you may “bow your

Clearing Your Mind For Clarity & Inspiration - Article by Shahwana The more we practice settling our minds, the easier it will become over time. After a full day out in the world, stories, words, images, and songs from any number of

What's Stopping You? Get In Touch Within! - Article by Shahwana We know what we want, however, many of us don’t follow our 'inner voice'. Why would that be a limitation? The voice saying, "I want to get up tomorrow

What Do We Want? Who Do We Ask? - Article by Shahwana These are some interesting questions one may ask, however, many of us have faith in God, and whatever we see and look at the concept of God. A daily

Part 4 : Law Of Polarity, Law Of Rhythm, Law Of Gender & Conclusion 10. LAW OF POLARITY The Law of Polarity states that everything in life and the universe has a polar opposite. If there is light, there is also darkness.

Knowing & Doing Are Two Separate Practices - Article by Shahwana "To know the way and not practice is to be a soup ladle in the pot and not taste the flavour of the soup." - Jack Kornfield We may have attended

Part 3 : Law Of Cause & Effect, Law Of Compensation & Law Of Relativity 7. LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is a reaction. In life, whatever you put out—good

Your Future Starts Today! - Article by Shahwana "The only way to bring peace to the earth is to learn to make our own life peaceful" – Jack Kornfield Every morning is a new day, a new opportunity granted by God to

Part 2 : Law Of Attraction, Law Of Inspired Action & Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy 4. LAW OF ATTRACTION The Law of Attraction is essentially the Law of vibration in action. As mentioned earlier, everything had a frequency and a

Part 1 : Introduction, Law Of Divine Oneness, Law Of Vibration & Law Of Correspondence As a Vibration Alchemist and Energetics Coach, I cannot emphasize the importance of vibration and frequency in your life. When it comes to manifesting, a lot of

Spread Happiness & Make People Around You Happy! - Article Submitted by Shahwana "Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it." - Bernard Meltzer Happiness is contagious. By sharing your love, by making other people happy, your happiness

Know Your Body Part 4: Spiritual Meaning Of Arthritis Arthritis is a common condition that affects people of all ages. With over 100 variants, the most common types of Arthritis are degenerative (osteoarthritis) and inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis). Degenerative arthritis is caused by

10 Tips To Help You Socialize! - Article by Shahwana "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." - George Sand Love usually comes with happiness. We feel happier when we are among our friends, loved ones

Improve Relationships This Month Of Love - Article Submitted by Shahwana February is a month associated with Valentine’s Day, a day commemorating loving relationships. Loving relationships by definition are not always romantic. As adults, we have numerous relationships to manage and

Know Your Body Part 3: Spiritual Meaning Of Acne If you are or have a teenager with Acne problems, this may interest them. Your skin represents the Boundary between your inner self and the world outside of you. When you experience an acne

Know Your Body Part 2: Spiritual Meaning Of Autoimmune Diseases An Autoimmune Disease is a condition where the immune system attacks itself rather than foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses. Living with an autoimmune condition can be frustrating, however when you

Spiritual Path & Healing - Article by Shahwana Almost everyone who undertakes a true spiritual path will discover that profound personal healing is a necessary part of his or her spiritual process. The body, the mind and the spirit need to be

Know Your Body Part 1: Spiritual Meaning Of Common Ailments Your Body is the physical representation of your Energy. Did you know that when you experience DISEASE, which is a way of your body to tell you that, your energy is in

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 5) - Submitted by Shahwana Moderation & Non-excessiveness “Moderation is one of the secrets of prosperity. Do not spend beyond your budget. What you waste will be taken away.” ― Master Choa Kok

What Are You Manifesting For 2023 P3 - How To Successfully Manifest Your Intentions Being a Metaphysician and Energy Alchemist for over a Decade, I have had the opportunity to witness both myself and others Manifest their Dreams and Desires by

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 4) - Submitted by Shahwana “Constancy of Aim and Effort is the quality needed for greatness.”- Master Choa Kok Sui – Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga Perhaps we can call

What Are You Manifesting For 2023 P2 - How to Align With The Vibration Of Your Dreams & Desires Welcome to Part 2 of the Manifesting Series. Last week I mentioned the Law of Vibration and how important your own personal vibration

What Are You Manifesting For 2023 P1 - The Law Of Vibration It’s another year. Another chance to set your intentions and manifest your dreams and desires. I know some of you are probably thinking, what’s the point?! You do this every

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 3) - Submitted by Shahwana Let’s focus on being Honest? We have discussed love and generosity in our articles, but how can being honest make us have a better life? Being honest

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 2) - Submitted by Shahwana The last article was all about love and kindness and non-injury. However, looking at life today we also must mould our life in other areas, if we

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 1) - Submitted by Shahwana We pick a lot from our childhood, from our parents, teachers, and siblings, thus our life is highly based on what we saw and what we practice.

Manifesting Your 2023: Observation, Taking Action, Focus & Beliefs Continued…Looking at the First three Aspects of Manifestation 4. Observation What kind of thoughts are you having about your Goal / Manifestation? I'm not referring to the 5% cognitive activity or thoughts but to the

Create Your Future, Manifest Your Greatness! - Submitted by Shahwana Your present state creates your future, as your past was creating your now. So, what are we manifesting as our goals and plans, the year is ahead, have we got goals

Manifesting Your 2023: Intention, Alignment & Clarity Looking at the First three Aspects of Manifestation 1. Intention Being clear about what you want is very important. Why you want it is even MORE important! A detailed and reasonable intention will help you define better

Manifesting Your 2023: Doing The Wish! By the end of March, I knew What I didn’t want - to continue in employment. So I got to work and created an aligned Goal. I became clear about WHAT I WANTED!