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How to manifest your 2023

How To Manifest Your 2023 Part 3 – Positive Reflection Of The Week

Manifesting Your 2023: Intention, Alignment & Clarity

Looking at the First three Aspects of Manifestation

1. Intention
Being clear about what you want is very important. Why you want it is even MORE important!

A detailed and reasonable intention will help you define better what you want to manifest and why.

I could have easily said I want to be my own boss. Or you can easily say that you want to manifest tones of money. But, going deeper with details helps you understand what you want what you are manifesting and helps you align energetically with it.

For instance: “Being my Own Boss” is quite open-ended. What Kind of a Boss do I want to be? What Hours do I want to work? What kind of outcomes or results do I want to have from the work that I do? What do I want to do with the hours that I am not working? How can I physically, mentally and emotionally align with the Kind of Boss I want to Be?

Let’s look at the “I want lots of Money” manifestation: How much is “lots of Money”? What would you like to do with this amount of money. Do you want to receive this money at one go, or should it be a consistent amount in your account? Are you Energetically, Mentally, Physically and emotionally aligned to this amount? Are you ready to hold this amount in your Energy?

I once had a client who wanted to manifest “lots of Money”, but then, as we went deeper, she did not feel safe having that much money – misalignment!

When Manifesting I always recommend writing, journaling, drawing, and visualizing as much as you want and need to help you define and clarify what you’d like to create and manifest. This helps you understand your intentions and if you are ready for what you are manifesting.

I then recommend writing a short statement that embodies the energy of what you are manifesting, such as: I am running my Spiritual Business from a nature-inspired space, enjoying the short working hours as I make time to visit the Gym, spend time in Nature, Write and Read.

The Key is to OWN it!

2. Alignment
Sometimes, we manifest things because our neighbours or friends have it, and we may not be 100% aligned with it.

Whatever you are consciously manifesting, align with your Goal. When you are aligned with your Goal, you direct your energy toward its manifestation. Alignment helps you assess your Goal. If you cannot align with what you are manifesting, you may need to rethink your Goal or what you are manifesting.

As you reflect on what you would like to manifest for 2023, ask yourself if you are able to align with it, and if you are prepared to do what it takes to bring this Goal into reality? You will then be able to find the necessary action steps to take towards your Goal.

3. Clarity
Why do you want what you want? How bad do you want it? Are you willing are you to be distracted along the way?

If you are clear with the core of your Goal, you will be clear on the actions to take and those to avoid. Going on a holiday with all the free time I have, while setting up my business was a welcome distraction, but I knew time and money were of essence in setting up my Spiritual Business. And so I remained focused on the outcome I wanted, not the distraction.

Write down visible steps and actions to take towards your Goal. This will help you remain clear and focused and aligned with your intention.

More to follow Next Week!

How To Manifest Your 2023Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach