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Energy healing Tag

The Art Of Letting Go: Embracing Life Beyond Expectations- Article by Shahwana Expectations are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. We expect success, happiness, love, and fulfilment, both from ourselves and from others. While having expectations can

Embracing Preventive Healing Through Mindfulness - Article by Shahwana What we see, we embrace, what we don’t see, we tend to take it for granted

Cultivating Self-Compassion In the final segment, we'll explore the importance of self-compassion in nurturing your inner child's energy. In order to acknowledge and validate the feelings and needs of your inner child, self-compassion is essential. By cultivating self-compassion, you provide your inner

Uncovering And Releasing Emotional Baggage This week, let's delve into the process of uncovering and releasing emotional baggage—something your inner child desperately needs. Uncovering and releasing emotional baggage is a transformative journey that allows us to heal deep-seated wounds and create space

Healing Through Playfulness Now that we've introduced the idea of your inner child's energy, let's explore how playfulness can be a powerful tool for healing. When we tap into our inner child's energy and embrace playfulness, we open ourselves up to a

Transforming Adversity Into Opportunities For Growth And Resilience - Article by Shahwana Life is an unpredictable journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. While we all cherish the joyful moments, it's the difficulties and obstacles that often define our

Part 1: Embracing The Inner Child's Energy The concept of the inner child may sound like a psychological term, but it's something deeply embedded within each of us, waiting to be acknowledged and nurtured. This isn't about therapy; it's about tapping

The Transformative Power of Forgiveness: A Practice For Healing & Liberation - Article by Shahwana Forgiveness is a profound and transformative practice that can bring healing, liberation, and peace into our lives. It's a process of letting go of resentment, anger,

Creating Inner Peace: A Path To Harmony & Well-Being - Article by Shahwana In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, finding inner peace is a valuable pursuit. Inner peace is a state of mental and emotional tranquillity that can help us

Understanding the Emotional Connection and the Role of Energy in Breast Health - Article by Shahwana In the fast-paced world we live in today, it's easy to overlook how stress and pent-up emotions can affect our health. For women, this is

Discovering the Energy Force Within You. In the realm of holistic well-being and personal development, the concept of "chi" holds a special place. Originating from ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine, chi, also spelled "qi," is often described as the vital

Moving Energy: Embrace the Power of Movement MOVEMENT-BASED TECHNIQUES Movement is an excellent (and simple) way to move energy and release stagnant, negative energy. Movement can be subtle or aggressive. Here are some examples of Movement Based Techniques that can be easily

Connecting With The Earth: Earth-Based Techniques For Inner Balance & Harmony EARTH-BASED TECHNIQUES Earth-based practises are ideal for when you are feeling scattered, flighty, or overly reactive. Earth is good for settling chaotic energy and gathering it together so that it can

Harnessing The Elements: Fire & Air Techniques For Energy Clearing FIRE-BASED TECHNIQUES Fire is sometimes an effective clearing ally. As with water, you can use fire in your energy-cleansing practises by using candles, burning objects yourself, and using visualization. It can be

Harnessing The Power Of Water: Effective Energy-Clearing Techniques For Cleansing & Refreshing Any activity that allows you to remove unwanted or negative energy qualifies as an energy-clearing practise or technique. They create space in the physical and energetic bodies.

Stay Above The Line - Embrace Joy, Peace, & Positive Choices! There are times when we have to hit the pause button and reflect. Reflecting allows us to gain clarity and perspective on our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It helps us

Shaping Your Reality & Aligning With Positive Energies Through Conscious Choices Do you realise that everything you experience or attract into your life is the result of a single, simple choice you make? Every moment offers us the chance to exercise our

Are You On Your Ascension Journey? Have you been feeling "different" lately? When on your path of Healing, the process can sometimes feel like you are moving ten steps forward and ten steps backward. But at the same time, you notice things

Achieving Equilibrium: Uniting Body & Mind For Optimal Well-Being A year Ago, I quit my full-time Job. I felt lost and unfulfilled, was mentally and physically exhausted, you could say that energetically, I was totally spent! I had gained weight; I

Part 4: The Dark Side Of People Pleasing & Be Still THE DARK SIDE OF PEOPLE PLEASING Do you know a people pleaser? Are you one? Master manipulators are another name for people-pleasers. And at some point in our lives, we have all

Part 3: Removing Barriers On A Personal And Global Level & Allow The Inner Fire To Rise REMOVING BARRIERS ON A PERSONAL AND GLOBAL LEVEL Knowing what you don't want and what you want to avoid will help you decide who you

Part 2: Intuitive Chaos As A Reaction To Global Chaos & To Do, To Be, Or Not

Part 1 : Level Up Your Wisdom & Create Amidst The Chaos Hello Friends! Hope you have all been well. As you may have noticed, I was on a break for a while. Several things prompted me to take a step

Part 4 : Law Of Polarity, Law Of Rhythm, Law Of Gender & Conclusion 10. LAW OF POLARITY The Law of Polarity states that everything in life and the universe has a polar opposite. If there is light, there is also darkness.

Part 3 : Law Of Cause & Effect, Law Of Compensation & Law Of Relativity 7. LAW OF CAUSE & EFFECT The Law of Cause and Effect states that for every action, there is a reaction. In life, whatever you put out—good

Part 2 : Law Of Attraction, Law Of Inspired Action & Law Of Perpetual Transmutation Of Energy 4. LAW OF ATTRACTION The Law of Attraction is essentially the Law of vibration in action. As mentioned earlier, everything had a frequency and a

Part 1 : Introduction, Law Of Divine Oneness, Law Of Vibration & Law Of Correspondence As a Vibration Alchemist and Energetics Coach, I cannot emphasize the importance of vibration and frequency in your life. When it comes to manifesting, a lot of

Know Your Body Part 4: Spiritual Meaning Of Arthritis Arthritis is a common condition that affects people of all ages. With over 100 variants, the most common types of Arthritis are degenerative (osteoarthritis) and inflammatory (rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis). Degenerative arthritis is caused by

Know Your Body Part 3: Spiritual Meaning Of Acne If you are or have a teenager with Acne problems, this may interest them. Your skin represents the Boundary between your inner self and the world outside of you. When you experience an acne

Know Your Body Part 2: Spiritual Meaning Of Autoimmune Diseases An Autoimmune Disease is a condition where the immune system attacks itself rather than foreign bodies such as bacteria and viruses. Living with an autoimmune condition can be frustrating, however when you

Know Your Body Part 1: Spiritual Meaning Of Common Ailments Your Body is the physical representation of your Energy. Did you know that when you experience DISEASE, which is a way of your body to tell you that, your energy is in

True Transformation Is An Inner Journey The metamorphosis stage in a Caterpillar’s life is the most difficult, I would think. When it reaches this stage, it probably feels like its whole world has caved in. It probably has the worst thoughts about

About Pranic Healing - The Ancient Science Of Art & Energy Healing - by Shahwana Pranic healing has the ability to enhance all areas of your life, including your physical and psychological well-being, your relationships, and even your finances. It is

Spiritual Alchemy & The Dark Night Of The Soul Spiritual Alchemy is the process of turning a person’s “Lead” (persona, ego, thoughts, beliefs, etc) into “Gold”. The First Stage of Spiritual Alchemy is known as CALCINATION. It is also known as the

What Is Quantum Creativity? While studying for my PhD in Metaphysics, I often came across this term “Quantum Creativity”. It sounded pretty fancy until I took a deeper look at it and realized that you and I QUANTUM CREATE our lives

What Is Lucid Living? LUCID = Clear Dear Reader, Here is a question that I would like you to ponder on: Do you have lucidity on your life? In the past, when I have asked this question, I have received a lot of “Yes,

Do Crystals Really Work? Scientific experiments (such as the Piezoelectric Effect) have proven that Crystals have vibrations. We also know that our universe, including the human body, is made up of pure energy and vibration (remember, Einstein’s E = mc2 or energy

Is Fear Keeping You Stuck? People are afraid of the unknown because they are taught to fear what they cannot control. A lot of people try to control reality as a way to make themselves feel safe. They construct limited lives for

Your Identity Is Putting You In A Cage! Who are you? No really, who are you besides your title, your labels, your job, your family, your social circle, your groups, memberships, without any of these?

Your Words Are Powerful Tools Of Creation! A couple of months back, I met someone who was going through a rough phase in life. He had lost his job due to covid and because of this, he had no income to

What Science Has To Say About Energy Healing As an Energy Healer and Alchemist, I often get asked for proof whether Energy exists and whether Energy Healing really works. For my sceptic friends out there, and for those who believe

The Butterfly Effect: Tiny Things Can Change The World At Large!“ It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now

Protecting Your Energy: Keep Your Energy High! Did you know that we have the ability to influence our Energy by the choices that we make every day? What we decide on a daily basis can either transform us for the better, or

Energy Healing During Covid - By Shahwana Khanam For ages, we have been aware of the energy field surrounding a human body referred to as the Aura field & this energy field aura contributes a great deal towards our physical health