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Love & Forgive Yourself - An Article by Shahwana One of the biggest parts about self-love is forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself when you feel like you’ve fallen short. Forgiving yourself when you mess up, when you’ve said the wrong thing, when

Embracing Your Shadow Part 2 In my previous article, I mentioned that the Shadow was a place where we do not like to visit or stay for too long. It is the part of us that we are ashamed to take

Why & How You Should Let Go Of The Past! - An Article by Shahwana "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." - Albert Schweitzer The past is the past. By thinking about your mistakes, people who hurt

Embracing Your Shadow Part 1 A lot of you, including those whom I work with quite regularly, have often asked me about what the Shadow is, and what does Shadow Work entail. Let me start with first introducing you to

True Transformation Is An Inner Journey The metamorphosis stage in a Caterpillar’s life is the most difficult, I would think. When it reaches this stage, it probably feels like its whole world has caved in. It probably has the worst thoughts about

About Pranic Healing - The Ancient Science Of Art & Energy Healing - by Shahwana Pranic healing has the ability to enhance all areas of your life, including your physical and psychological well-being, your relationships, and even your finances. It is

Spiritual Alchemy & The Dark Night Of The Soul Spiritual Alchemy is the process of turning a person’s “Lead” (persona, ego, thoughts, beliefs, etc) into “Gold”. The First Stage of Spiritual Alchemy is known as CALCINATION. It is also known as the

Why Do We Fear The Unknown? - An Article by Shahwana "No one is afraid of heights; they are afraid to fall. No one is afraid to play, they are afraid to lose. No one is afraid of the dark,

The Morning Rush: Are Your Early Mornings On Autopilot Mode? - An Article by Shahwana How often do we get up and run our early mornings on autopilot? How often do we taste our tea or coffee? How often do

What Is Quantum Creativity? While studying for my PhD in Metaphysics, I often came across this term “Quantum Creativity”. It sounded pretty fancy until I took a deeper look at it and realized that you and I QUANTUM CREATE our lives

What Is Lucid Living? LUCID = Clear Dear Reader, Here is a question that I would like you to ponder on: Do you have lucidity on your life? In the past, when I have asked this question, I have received a lot of “Yes,

Do Crystals Really Work? Scientific experiments (such as the Piezoelectric Effect) have proven that Crystals have vibrations. We also know that our universe, including the human body, is made up of pure energy and vibration (remember, Einstein’s E = mc2 or energy

Is Fear Keeping You Stuck? People are afraid of the unknown because they are taught to fear what they cannot control. A lot of people try to control reality as a way to make themselves feel safe. They construct limited lives for

Your Identity Is Putting You In A Cage! Who are you? No really, who are you besides your title, your labels, your job, your family, your social circle, your groups, memberships, without any of these?

Your Words Are Powerful Tools Of Creation! A couple of months back, I met someone who was going through a rough phase in life. He had lost his job due to covid and because of this, he had no income to

What Science Has To Say About Energy Healing As an Energy Healer and Alchemist, I often get asked for proof whether Energy exists and whether Energy Healing really works. For my sceptic friends out there, and for those who believe

The Butterfly Effect: Tiny Things Can Change The World At Large!“ It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now

The Happy Vibrations by Shahwana Positive vibrations are high-frequency thinking patterns, attitudes, and emotions, whereas negative vibrations are low-frequency thinking patterns, attitudes, and emotions. Where are we fitting in today’s lifestyle; are our vibrations radiating on a higher frequency level?

Letting Go Of Your Goal - Sometimes, It's Best To Give Up You’ve probably always heard people tell you “DON’T GIVE UP ON THAT DREAM/GOAL” but guess what; sometimes it’s better to actually Give it up. Here’s why… Riz had dreamed of

Protecting Your Energy: Keep Your Energy High! Did you know that we have the ability to influence our Energy by the choices that we make every day? What we decide on a daily basis can either transform us for the better, or

Pain & Growth: What Doesn't Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger! What doesn’t kill me, makes me stronger! There is suffering in life. “Loss” can mean different things to different people at different stages of their lives. A young person may grieve a

You Are A Multidimensional Being Part 2 In my Previous Article, you got an idea of what being multidimensional means. This week, we will take a similar approach and look at what is it to be Multidimensional in a Non-Physical existence.

You Are A Multidimensional Being Have you ever felt that everything was happening all at once, that time is just an illusion? Have you known deep down that every cell & part of your physical body is literally a carbon copy

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay To Love and to be loved is the key to all happiness… agree? Then why is everyone suffering in love? Why is love such a struggle? I think it begins with the

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay Happy Valentine's…. I hope you took this opportunity to shower yourself with some self-love. Usually, Valentine's isn’t such a big deal in my household. I take my mother on a date. We

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay To Love and to be loved is the key to all happiness… agree? Then why is everyone suffering in love? Why is love such a struggle? I think it begins with the

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 1: The Not So “ROSY” Side Of LOVE Happy New Year! Is it just me, or does it actually feel like February has brought with it a breath of fresh air? I have been away, dear ones, for

Every Day Is A Gift. That's Why It's Called The Present! -Written by Shahwana Khanam Have we thought about how about the days in our lives? There are 365 days in a year, 1440 minutes in a day that’s 24

Adieu, 2021: My Two Books For The End Of 2021 Just like you, I also took this last week of 2021 to reflect on my year and decide what I want for myself in 2022. Since I was off work, I

The Importance Of Acceptance & Forgiveness - By Alia Datoo “Grace comes to forgive and forgive again”- Rumi A mystic was once asked what forgiveness is. He said it is the fragrance that flowers give when they are crushed. In order to lead

Shine Bright Like A Diamond: Don't Dim Your Shine How often do you walk into a room (a social gathering, a business meeting, or even a class of some sort) and size up the room and then try your best not


Manifest 2022 With The Power Of Numbers Part 2 - by Alia Datoo A manifestation is something you create into physical reality through intentional thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. In other words, whatever you focus on with intention, will come to being. What

Manifest 2022 With The Power Of Numbers - by Alia Datoo Numerology is a magical source of inspiration, insight and manifestation, but how do you access this infinite Universal wisdom? One of the simplest ways for you to do this is getting

Are You Ready To Be Yourself? - by Alia Datoo Haven't we often heard these two words being flashed in front of us? But, some people do not have the slightest clue what these two words mean.

Sacred Geometry Part 4: Around Us! As we have seen over the past weeks, Sacred Geometry shapes allow us to reach into our inner worlds and connect with the outer world by expanding our consciousness on many levels. Every Sacred shape has

Sacred Geometry Part 3: The Golden Spiral! If you “dream within a dream,” and inside this dream, you awaken to unconditional love, which is the origin of all things in and beyond this world, you may find yourself in an

Sacred Geometry Part 2: Looking At Life Through The Sacred Lens! Last week we had our first look at Sacred Geometry. We now know that by arranging itself in patterns and cycles, nature is able to better express itself, as seen

Sacred Geometry Part 1: Taking A Closer Look At The World We Live In! Have you ever noticed how the petals of a flower sit so perfectly around the seed head? Or better yet, have you ever noticed how intricately the

WHAT YOU APPRECIATE, APPRECIATES. - by Alia Datoo This weekend I was at a Graduation Ceremony. I love attending such events for one reason and one alone: The Speeches! There were speeches from the Principal, the chief guests the valedictorian and they all

How To Change Your Life In 7 Steps Don’t you wish you could be more than what you already are? Isn’t there more that you can get out of life? If you could become more or do more, what would you become or

Gratitude: How To Develop The Most Important Relationship In Your Life?- Written By Michelle Arscott If someone was to ask you what is the most important relationship in your life, what would you say? You would maybe mention family, friends but

What Is Your Good Morning Story? - Written by Shahwana Khanam You open your eyes & the sun is shining outside the window, and you see this bright sun do you smile or do you frown? What is your good

Stepping Into Your Power When You Are Feeling Powerless! And continuing with our theme of Self-Empowerment for the month of February, let's take a look at how we can step into our power when we are feeling powerless.

Self Love, Self Power: Stepping Into Your Personal Power! It's the month of love and a lot of us are going to be rooting for ourselves. YAAS to Self Love! But what is this phenomenon, "Self-Love" all about? I was chatting with

20 Things 2020 Taught Me

20 Things 2020 Taught Me - by Alia Datoo Believe it or not, we made it! December is finally here, and while many are happy to put this cataclysmic year behind them, I am getting to bid farewell to one of

Gratitude| Say “Thank You!” & Change Your life Written by Nina Saxena Cicero said “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all the others” I went to visit a friend recently. There were others there

Alia's Message: 'This is not the year you get everything you want. This is the year you  appreciate everything you have.' In the midst of the pandemic and its effects on us, we have all sought pleasure in one way or

"Purpose Lead Me Here

2020 The Year To Remember - Written by Alia Datoo What 2020 taught me: As the year draws to a close, it's almost unbelievable that we made it this far. What a year 2020 has been! This year has taught

How To Lead An Empowered Life: ACTIVITIES Do we truly know how to lead a good life? Do we know what truths we need to seek in order to understand what would make a difference between pain and suffering in our

How To Lead An Empowered Life Part 2: PRACTICES This week we look at various Practices that can help us lead an Empowered Life. Living an empowered life means living an unlimited life full of achievement, possibilities and happiness. However, not many

What Is A Depth Year? - by Alia Datoo Last year I embarked on a year of Minimalism. I cannot say that it was a huge success. Although I did not acquire a lot of clothes, I did go ballistic with

How To Get What You Want From Life? “Every Human Being has a Personal Legend to be fulfilled and this is our reason for being in the world. This Personal Legend manifests itself in our enthusiasm for the task” – Paulo

Your Life, Your Movie - by Alia Datoo What a week! I’ve been up to my eyeballs, with work and I feel like letting my hair down and having some fun. So, how about a movie? No, no! I’m not suggesting you

Once Upon An Eid - Celebrating Eid al-Adha During The Pandemic Eid al-Adha occurs at the end of Hajj, the pilgrimage to the Kabba in the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. On the tenth day of Eid al-Adha, sheep

How To Turn A Negative Experience Into A Positive One - By Alia Datoo Love is the bridge between you and everything - Rumi Everything in life happens for a reason and there are no accidents. If at all, anything good and/or

The Importance Of Embracing Loneliness - Written by Alia Datoo Every forty seconds, someone commits suicide. According to Mother Teresa, the biggest disease was not leprosy or cancer or tuberculosis, but rather

Being Grounded In An Ungrounded World - By Alia Datoo Being connected to life. Returning home to yourself. Serving others. You were made for this awakening. Get grounded! I was not brought up in a culture that revered the Earth, nor taught

GETTING GROUNDED…An Effective Way To Cope With Anxiety June 5 marks World Environment Day. While there is not much that we can do outdoors to appreciate nature, we can but definitely take advantage of what it has to offer us. Undoubtedly, every

Emotional Healing Through Self-Compassion - By Alia Datoo “Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.” ― Sabaa Tahir.

Alia's Message: 'This Ramadan, Take The Opportunity To Go Deeper & Re-birth Your Soul. 'Ramadan Mubarak to all my friends and extended family!

Alia's Message: 'Self-love isn’t about being selfish, in fact, the more you love and respect yourself the easier it will be for you to love, respect and help others.' These are testing times. In addition to all the precautions, we are

Aliya's Message: 'Begin with one area and see the magic of gratitude unfold in all areas of your life.' There is no doubt that we have been hit with one of the most trying times of our lives, and many of

Vitamin G: ‘Gratitude’ - How Can You Boost Your Family’s Dosage? - Written By Michelle Arscott Parents around the world, generally, encourage their children to say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you,’ as a sign of good manners and appreciation. However, how can you

Gig’s Giggles International- Admissions Now Open- Jan 2020 intake. Kindergarten & Day-Care- that provides a loving learning environment for children aged 6months to 6 years. We believe that all children are unique and develop differently. We pride ourselves on the