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Take Charge, Change What You Don't Like! - An Article by Shahwana If you are unhappy about anything in your life, do something about it; change it. You are not destined to be unhappy! You have the will and the intelligence

Practising Detachment Brings Freedom, Happiness & Inner Peace - An Article by Shahwana “Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.” - Simone Weil Often anger, sadness and dissatisfaction comes from encountering unexpected

Love & Forgive Yourself - An Article by Shahwana One of the biggest parts about self-love is forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself when you feel like you’ve fallen short. Forgiving yourself when you mess up, when you’ve said the wrong thing, when

Why & How You Should Let Go Of The Past! - An Article by Shahwana "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." - Albert Schweitzer The past is the past. By thinking about your mistakes, people who hurt

Why Do We Fear The Unknown? - An Article by Shahwana "No one is afraid of heights; they are afraid to fall. No one is afraid to play, they are afraid to lose. No one is afraid of the dark,

Energy Healing During Covid - By Shahwana Khanam For ages, we have been aware of the energy field surrounding a human body referred to as the Aura field & this energy field aura contributes a great deal towards our physical health

Home Office Ideas: Working From Home In Style! With the latest "working from home" trend, home offices have become increasingly popular & for this reason, it's time you transform your working space with some great office ideas. Despite the pandemic,

Simple, Fast & User Public Friendly First Level Protection- Total Solutions Ltd now offers a wide range of access control devices for temperature screening and mask detection. Get protective personal equipment directly from our shop.

Working From Home: How To Set-Up Your Home For A Zoom Meeting? With the current COVID-19 crisis a lot of things have changed. One of the things is that we now work most of the time from our homes, conducting online

What Is Anxiety? - Written By Shahela Sheikh In today’s modern-day and age, we often breathe out the word anxiety. What is anxiety really? Psychologists believe that it is fear, dread or worry that presents itself in excessive paralyzing forms. There