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Helping Your Gifted Child Reach Their Full Potential: Tips & Tricks For Parents Raising a gifted child can be a challenge for parents, especially if you're not sure how to help them reach their full potential. While gifted children have exceptional

How to Help Your Child Build Strong Emotional Intelligence As parents, we all want our children to grow up to be happy, well-adjusted adults. One of the most important things we can do to support our children's emotional health is to

How to Nurture Your Child's Ability to Think Critically As parents, we want our children to grow up to be independent, confident individuals who are capable of making their own decisions. One of the most valuable skills we can teach them

How Parents Can Promote Positive Mental Health In Their Children As a parent, your child's well-being is your top priority. While physical health is important, it's also crucial to prioritize your child's mental health. Children today face a range of

Why Embracing A Growth Mindset Can Benefit Your Child As a parent, you want to provide the best possible environment for your child to thrive. One way to achieve this is by fostering a growth mindset in your child. A growth

Helping Your Child Develop Healthy Habits For A Lifetime Of Wellness As parents, we want our children to grow up happy, healthy, and confident. One of the key components of this is teaching them the importance of self-care. By prioritizing their

Why Hands-On Learning Is Essential For Children As parents, we want the best for our children, and that includes providing them with a quality education. While traditional classroom learning has its benefits, there's something special about hands-on learning. Whether it's through

How To Help Your Child Cope With Life's Changes Transitions can be difficult for anyone, but they can be especially challenging for children. Whether it's moving to a new home or dealing with the divorce of their parents, transitions can be

Nurturing Your Child's Understanding Of Diversity & Inclusion: 10 Easy Tips As a parent, it is essential to teach your child about diversity and inclusion, especially in today's increasingly diverse and global world. Fostering an understanding of and respect for differences

How Participating In Extracurricular Activities Can Help Your Child Succeed As parents, we want our children to have every opportunity to succeed in life. One way to help them achieve their goals is by encouraging them to participate in extracurricular

How To Support Your Child Through The Stressful Process The college application process can be a daunting experience for both parents and their teens. With so many choices & different steps involved, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure of

How To Nurture Positive Friendships For Your Child Friendships are an important part of a child's development. Positive friendships can help children build self-esteem, social skills, and emotional resilience. As parents, it's important to support our children's social development and

Encouraging Your Child's Love Of Reading: 10 Tips To Make It Fun Reading is one of the most important skills that a child can develop. It is not only a vital tool for learning but also a source of entertainment

The Importance Of Play In Shaping Your Child's Future From the moment your child is born, they begin to explore the world around them. One of the most natural ways that they do this is through play. Play is not just

Fostering Creativity In Children: Why It Matters & How To Do It Creativity is a vital component of a child's development. It helps them think outside the box, develop problem-solving skills, and express themselves in unique ways. However, as parents, it

The Importance Of Mindfulness In Education & How It Can Benefit Your Child As parents, we want our children to succeed in school and in life. However, with the fast-paced and often stressful nature of modern education, it can be challenging

Five Activities for Creating Lasting Memories and Strengthening Bonds Spending quality time with your children on Mother's Day can be a great way to bond and create lasting memories. Here are some ideas for making the most of this special day:

How to Raise Kids Who Care About Others and the World Around Them As parents, we want our children to grow up to be compassionate, caring individuals who make a positive impact in the world. Teaching kids to be socially responsible

How To Help Your Child Overcome Learning Challenges As a parent, it can be difficult to see your child struggle with learning challenges. However, with the right support and strategies, children with learning disabilities can thrive and succeed. In this article,

As parents, we all want our children to succeed in school. We make sure they have the best teachers, the best resources, and the best opportunities. But there's one factor that is often overlooked when it comes to academic success:

Is Homeschooling The Right Choice For Your Family? As a parent, you want the best for your children, including their education. There are many different approaches to education, and homeschooling has become an increasingly popular choice for families in recent years.

10 Egg-citing Ways To Create Lasting Memories With Your Kids During Easter Holidays! Easter is a special time of the year that brings joy and excitement for kids. As a parent, you may be wondering how to make the most out

Why You Should Encourage Your Child To Explore Music Music has been a part of human culture for centuries, and it continues to play an important role in our lives today. But did you know that music can also have a

Why Your Child Should Spend More Time Learning Outside In today's digital age, many children spend most of their time indoors in front of screens. However, studies have shown that spending time in nature can have numerous benefits for children's physical,

How To Work Together For Your Child's Success As parents, we all want the best for our children, and one of the most critical components of their success is their education. A strong parent-teacher relationship is essential to ensure that our

Helping Kids Cope With The Big Changes Of Divorce Divorce can be an extremely challenging and emotional experience for everyone involved, especially children. It’s important for parents to take the time to explain the situation to their kids in a way

How Parents Can Teach Life Skills That Last a Lifetime! Every parent wants their children to be happy, healthy, and successful in life. While academic and extracurricular achievements are important, there are other important life skills that children need to learn

10 Tips To Help You Talk With Your Child About "The Birds & The Bees" Talking to your child about sex and relationships can be an extremely uncomfortable topic for many parents. However, it's a must to have these conversations, in

5 Important Values To Teach Your Young Ones A lot of parents think that there's no point teaching their toddlers values, as they're too young to understand and grasp the concept. This is a huge misconception! There are certain values that

7 Ways To Show Your Child Some Love 'Tis February, the month of love, so how about you start showing your child love, starting this month, as kids need to feel love & as parents sometimes, it's difficult to know if

Toddler Tantrums: Everything You Need To Know A toddler is a child aged 1 to 3 years which is a time of great cognitive, emotional as well as social development but is also a time of tantrums. Toddler tantrums is basically

Attachment Trauma: Causes, Consequences & Treatment! Children are delicate flowers that bloom when cared for with love & children look to their primary caregivers for a variety of human needs, from shelter to affection, it is these early life experiences that

Trust Your Child To Make The Right Choice, By Letting Them Explore Their Own Life As a caring parent, it's normal to want nothing but the best for your child, after all, you want your child to be happy and successful

My Partner Suffers From Depression, What Can I Do? Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by low mood or persistent sadness, that can interfere with daily activities, disturb one's sleep and appetite. It is estimated, that 5% of adults, suffer

Unconditional Love: 6 Secrets To Loving Your Child Unconditionally! Unconditional love means loving your child every day in the bad and good times, i.e. loving your child no matter what, without any reservations or conditions & without expecting anything in return.

Values Are Valuable: Practice What You Preach!- Written by Bilkis Bhandwalkar You cannot expect your child to do things which he/she has not seen you doing ever!!! A child will automatically share things or lend a helping hand in need if

6 Amazing New Year's Resolutions For Your & Your Partner! Another year's over, and if you haven't as yet, now's the perfect time to make some resolutions together as a couple. Yes, that's right! Whilst you may typically be focusing, year

Focus On Your Child's Strengths Not Weaknesses - Written By Alvira Diwan Children are unique in terms of personality and nature, so it wouldn't be wrong to say that they have the most original way of presenting themselves. They don't care

'Tis The Season To Share Some Fun Christmas Facts With Your Kids! Christmas is a fun time for all, especially the kids, but it can be fun & educational too. Share these amazing Christmas facts with your kids so they get

6 Things Every Parent Must Teach Their Child! Every parent wonders if they are doing enough to make a good impact on their child's life. Children are a reflection of their parents and it is, therefore, incumbent upon parents to set

5 Tips For Teaching Your Child About Healthy Boundaries Healthy boundaries are needed as they allow one to recognize their own limits as well as be confident and stand up for oneself when needed. As a parent, it is important to

What Is Relationship Anxiety? Worrying every now and then especially in the beginning stages of the relationship is normal. However, when there is intense worrying accompanied by insecurity and doubt that could lead to self-sabotage and ultimately the relationship ending.

What Is The Best Way To Discipline A Child? -Positive Disciplining If you aren't a fan of punishing your child then positive disciplining is probably something you'd like to try, as it's the most effective way to getting your child to

The Importance Of Having A Family Time - Written By Alvira Diwan Family is an essential unit of every individual's life. A healthy relationship among family members ensures healthy individuals too. Family time is an essential factor that helps to create

Speech Development In Children Most parents confuse speech & language development. Speech is a verbal expression of language an easier way to understand this is it involves the way we form words and sounds. Whereas language is giving & getting

Effects Of Social Media On Relationships- Written By Alvira Diwan In a world full of gadgets it is almost impossible to live a life with privacy. Anything and everything you do, goes to one of your social media accounts. There are

How To Manage Anger In A Child! Anger tantrums are not uncommon among children, not just the older ones but also the younger ones! However, at times this can pose a threat to the parents, siblings and others. Remember for kids

5 Imperative Topics To Discuss With You Teen As your child enters his/her teens there are some topics you MUST have with them even though they may not be easy to talk about. You need to have open and honest conversations

Breastfeeding: Producing A Lot Of Milk & Oversupply Having a good milk supply is healthy, however, producing more milk than what your baby needs (an oversupply) can be an issue for both baby and mama. Some mothers can naturally produce a

Importance Of Sleep In Children! Sleep is extremely crucial for children for both their mental as well as physical health. According to studies, kids who get an adequate amount of sleep regularly, perform better as they have better attention, behaviour, learning

Fever In Children- Causes Of High Fever In Children & When To Worry! Parents, especially first-time parents, get alarmed when their child has a fever. But when should parents really be worried and call the doctor? In order to answer

Breastfeeding: A Guide For First Time Mothers! Being a new parent can be challenging, after all, a newborn baby can be demanding as it relies on the parent to have all its needs met, one of the most important being hunger.

7 Signs Your Partner's Possessive! Some people mistake possessiveness to be love, when in fact it's the complete opposite of love. It is a form of 'ownership', where one partner believes the other 'belongs' to them. Love, on the other

What Factors Can Affect Your Child's Height? Did you know from the time of birth, there are changes in growth plates that make new bone, increasing the length of long bones in the arms and legs of a baby? In the

Sex Education In Children According To Their Age Talking about sex education and introducing this most frowned upon topic amongst the young can be daunting for any parent. Every parent needs to approach this topic with an open mind and needs

Cultivating Empathy: Benefits & Tips Empathy is the ability to understand how others feel and & be able to put yourself in their shoes, despite any differences. It's basically about perspective-taking and compassion. It is a foundation needed to build good

Don't Survive, Thrive: Your Relationship Should NEVER Be In 'Survival Mode'! It is so common for people to get into the 'survival mode' especially when it comes to long term relationships. Why because, it's the easy thing to do. Just

Homework Hassles: Every Parent's Headache! Homework is a set of tasks assigned by teachers, for students to complete outside the class. These commonly include assignments comprising reading or writing tasks, mathematical exercises etc for practice. The whole point of homework is

Stage Fright: How To Help Your Child Combat Stage Fear Have you noticed your child gets nervous, fearful or stresses just before a recital, play, class presentation or school concert? Though some children love having all eyes on them, not all

Create A Mathematical Rich Environment At Home To Help Your Child Love & Master Mathematics! Raise a child who not just falls in love with letters, but also numbers. The idea is to encourage your child to keep learning numbers, by

Dad & Nighttime Duties: How & Why A Dad Should Help With Babies During The Nighttime! Being a new parent is a full-time job, that can be stressful especially, when you have to wake up in the middle of the night

4 Signs You & Your Partner Might Lack Intellectually Compatibility Intellectual compatibility is when a couple is able to indulge in deep, meaningful, and interesting conversations. Note intellectual compatibility doesn't mean having the same IQ level. It just simply means you

Foreign Language Teaching Methods To Help Your Child Master A Foreign Language Learning a foreign language has many benefits & research supports teaching your child a second language at an earlier age from birth to about three years of age, because

How To Deal With A Procrastinating Child Who Struggles To Stick To A Schedule Is your child leaving his/her homework for the last minute? Is there difficulty sticking to a schedule? Dealing with a procrastinating child can be quite a challenge

How To Raise A Smart Child If you are wondering, is it even possible to raise a smart child without struggle, then the answer is YES! All you need is a conducive environment which includes love, support & care, encouragement along

What To Do When Hiring A Nanny For Your Child? For working parents, parents of twins or triplets, single parent, hiring a nanny can make things easier when it comes to taking care of your child, however, the process of

All Relationships That End, Aren't Failures! No one enters into a relationship knowing or hoping that it will end. It's therefore hard to predict when and why a relationship will end. Just because the goals or desires have changed doesn't mean

What Is Gentle Parenting & How Can You Incorporate This In Your Daily Life? Parenting is an extremely rewarding job, and it doesn't have to be messy or difficult. Gentle parenting also known as collaborative parenting is a peaceful and

Parenting As A Team Helps Raise A Healthy, Happy & Successful Child! Raising your child as a team is when both you and your partner work together by agreeing on making decisions and supporting your child together. This way you and

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) - What Every Parent Should Know! SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome, every parent's nightmare, is a sudden and unexplained death of a baby less than 1 year old. As most babies are found dead in

Father-Daughter Relationship & Its Importance Having a strong male influence is not only important in a son's life, it is equally important in a daughter's life. A father-daughter relationship can play a key role in the psychological development, in fact, research

Father-Son Relationship & Its Importance  There's nothing like the father-son relationship; it is unique and beautiful. From the time a son is born to the time he grows up, his father plays an imperative role in his development & in shaping

How To Successfully Toilet Train Your Toddler Toilet training can be fun, rewarding, as well as messy, but most of all it requires love and patience. But before you begin the toilet training journey, it's important to know if your

The Importance Of Career Counselling & Guidance When your child finishes schooling, it is important to help students make a sound decision on the next steps they want to take in their life with respect to their higher education and career

The DTaP Vaccine: What All Parents Need To Know! The DTaP vaccine is a 3-in-1 vaccine that contains inactivated forms of toxins (produced by the 3 bacteria that cause the diseases), given to children under the age of 7 in 5

4 Types Of Compatibility In Relationships Compatibility is an essential factor in a relationship & the more compatible you are with your partner, the more successful the relationship is. It's when you have issues with compatibility that relationships end. This

Teaching Your Child To Learn From Mistakes: Your Child Will Make Mistakes, It's How You React That Makes All The Difference! Everyone makes mistakes, children included. It's how you react to those mistakes, as a parent, that can make or break

Pleasing Your Partner At The Cost Of Yourself - Acknowledge Your 'Self Worth' & Make It Known. - Written By Alvira Diwan Every relationship has a dominant and submissive partner respectively.

Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate: Everything A Parent Needs To Know! Cleft lip & cleft palate are common birth defects where a baby is born with a cleft/gap or split in the lip and/or roof of the mouth (palate). This malformation

Child Neglect: Types, Causes & Consequences What Is Child Neglect? Did you know that child neglect is considered a form of child abuse? That's right! Child neglect is the most frequent form of abuse that is not always easy to spot. It

5 Fun Easter Activities To Try With Your Children This Easter! It's almost Easter & what better way to spend the Easter break than with your precious little ones. So, let's make this Easter a little fun and interesting, especially for

My Child Refuses To Eat: 10 Reasons Why & What You Can Do To Help! Parents always want to ensure that their child is eating a balanced diet and getting the right amount of nutrients from the food. However, as parents,

Boarding School- To Board Or Not To Board? Sending your child to a boarding school for the first time can be quite frightening for both parents and the child. There are so many questions that go through a parent's mind whilst

Child Counselling: A Complete Guide For Parents! If you thought adults alone can be in the need of counselling, then you are wrong. Children too struggle and can get stressed, and may have difficulty coping with life. They, too, can suffer

Strabismus In Children: Recognizing & Treatment Of Strabismus A squint also known as strabismus is a common paediatric eye condition in children, where the eye muscles fail to work together. There is thus a misalignment of the eyes and may be

Instilling 8 Good Manners In Your Child! It's imperative that you instil good manners in your child, as it is an incredibly important life skill, and it's important you start early. Good manners begin with simple words such as thank you

Instilling 8 Good Manners In Your Child! It's imperative that you instil good manners in your child, as it is an incredibly important life skill, and it's important you start early. Good manners begin with simple words such as thank you

Parenting With Love: The Importance Of Love Towards Your Child The most important thing every child needs growing up, is love! Yes, that's right! If you are a parent, and you're reading this, then you must be wondering 'but wait, that's

Are You A Victim Of Gaslighting? Gaslighting in a relationship, is a manipulative tool used by a toxic partner to take control over the partner, by making them question their own reality & self-worth. Simply put it is a form of