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healing Tag

Happiness: Make People Around You Happy "Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it." -Bernard Meltzer That it is giving that you receive, it's simple, it's worth the effort.In the trying times, we are going through,

Is Spirituality Only About Meditation? For ages, we know there is a way we can try to connect to our inner self. Many of us turn towards the seeking mode and we join different schools offering such techniques. We meditate for

What Is Your Good Morning Story? - Written by Shahwana Khanam You open your eyes & the sun is shining outside the window, and you see this bright sun do you smile or do you frown? What is your good

Energy Healing During Covid - By Shahwana Khanam For ages, we have been aware of the energy field surrounding a human body referred to as the Aura field & this energy field aura contributes a great deal towards our physical health

Outlook To Life – I Give, I Receive! - By Shahwana Khanam Have we ever thought of why we get what we get, in terms of gifts, in term of compliments or even critics? Well, let's stop and think! What did

The Power Of Written Words - By Shahwana Khanam Written words have saved lives, circulated powerful ideas, preserved traditions, and memories, and so much more. Great moments in history have evoked and set a basis for some of the most important

Power Of Mindfulness “With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment.” - Thich Nhat Hanh Mindfulness is a term we hear a lot nowadays, not only in

Just Breathe! - The Importance Of Breath - Written by Shahwana Khanam The very freshness of our breath is what keeps us alive and well. however, we really take this for granted and we breathe and expect the next breath we

Letting Go, The Struggle Within - By Shahwana Khanam The phrase “let it go” used to really irritate me because I didn’t know what it meant or exactly how to do it. And there are times when I still struggle

Relation Between Stress & Immunity - By Shahwana Khanam As covid seems to be here for a while, have we thought how our emotions can affect our immune levels? To stay healthy, immunity levels need to be high. However, there

Calmness Of Mind Written by Shahwana Khanam Is it possible to make our minds still and calm? Not possible, it has been discovered that the human mind generates 60,000 thoughts a day, now isn't that an incredible discovery? How do we keep

Declutter Your Life & Watch The Magic Happen! Written by Nina Saxena In today’s world, we are literally bombarded with information from different sources. One study says we have more information from the last two decades than from the beginning of

The Power Of Patience: Patience Is A Virtue - Written by Shahwana Khanam Patience is a virtue. As we have been told, do we really follow the principles? As we are driving through traffic, especially if we live in big cities, already

Why Forgive?- Is Forgiveness The Right Thing To Do? “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God

Gratitude| Say “Thank You!” & Change Your life Written by Nina Saxena Cicero said “Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all the others” I went to visit a friend recently. There were others there

Lavender Oil - The Natural Way To Feel Good - By Shahwana Can Lavender oil help me feel good? For ages, people use aromatherapy oils, in a diffuser and for massages as well as for energy healing. Some benefits of Lavender oil: Lavender essential

Patience Is Virtue - Written by Shahwana Khanam Patience is a virtue, and there's a reason – it's a tough skill to master. Imagine, for instance, that you're waiting for someone to finish compiling a report that you need for a meeting.

Meditation For Peace & Illumination There is so much said about 'meditation' in the world today, as more and more people are become tuned in to looking for inner peace, or some spiritual connection. Now, there are multiple windows full of many

How To Attain Success - Written by Shahwana Khanam "You are Destined to be Successful!" - Master Choa Kok Sui The biggest “thing” that often holds us back from being happy, successful and confident, simply and sadly is our own self!

Clearing Negative Emotions Using Essentials Oils & Natural Resources - by Shahwana Khanam “Miracles are fantastic events which utilize hidden laws of Nature that most people are not aware of; Miracles do not break the laws of Nature, they are actually

Life Force (Pranic Energy) - By Shahwana Khanam Ocean of Energy is available through nature’s own energy form we call life force, Prana, Ki or chi. What is this life force? Simply put, it is ENERGY! All matter in the

Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone - By Michelle Arscott ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.’ Anon This week's video focuses on the importance of living outside of your comfort zone. It is very easy to stay in this

Life Is To Celebrate We live once, we have this amazing life to live, but how many times do we take the time to celebrate it and enjoy the moments given to us? We notice many of us have regrets when

Energy Hygiene & Its Importance In Our Lives - By Shahwana Khanam We are living beings with living energy fields. Just as the quality of water is important to the life of the fish in an aquarium, the energetic environment around

How To Have A Good Self-image?- By Shahwana Khanam We usually struggle in life and wonder 'why am I not good enough'. As we grow older, we then start seeking approvals of others & wait for them to acknowledge 'something

Life & Its Patterns - by Shahwana Khanam Life is a pattern of series, have you ever given that a thought? How does this work and do we have the power to change the patterns? Who put these patterns in us in

Importance Of Laughter - By Michelle Arscott This week’s video focuses on the importance of having laughter in your life. ‘The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.’- E.E Cummings Everyone needs a hearty daily dose of laughter, especially during this

Body Language - The Body Talks! - By Shahwana Khanam Have you ever wondered how you got convinced by a salesperson to buy something, perhaps you didn’t even need, and you get home & realize 'hey that fellow was so convincing!'.

Overcoming Depression, The Silent Enemy - By Shahwana Khanam Depression is an emotion which causes a lot of despair to a person, now sadly this behaviour can pass unnoticed until it becomes severe. The signs are there, we refuse to notice

How To Manage Change - by Shahwana Khanam “Life is governed by cycles, by change. Sometimes you are up. Sometimes you are down.”- Master Choa Kok Sui Life is cyclical. Esoterically, there exists the Law of Cycles which is tied in with

The Body's Rejuvenation Time; SLEEP - By Shahwana Khanam Optimal good health is based on a good night's sleep, did you know that? Yet many people struggle with getting that restful night. Research says maybe 30% of the population or even more

Spirituality: A Way Of Life- By Shahwana Khanam Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than us, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life.

Karma 'The Teacher'- By Shahwana Khanam While the Law of Karma comes up in Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, the concept is universal and is taught in just about every tradition. It is important to note with emphasis on the word 'Law'. In

What Is Life Without Love & Kindness!- By Shahwana Khanam Humanity as we know; we face a daily crisis with relationships on many different levels. Family – Friends – Colleagues. How we react really makes a huge difference for the next level of

Kindness And Compassion Mindfulness Meditation - By Michelle Arscott Now more than ever the world needs kindness and compassion, with Covid19 and the recent racial unrest in the USA and beyond. The video clip I have posted is a 'kindness and

REST - An Important Aspect Of Wellness - by Michelle Arscott The focus of this week’s wellness video is rest. In a society that prides itself on busyness and productivity, rest can be easily neglected, something saved for distant summer holidays. However,

'Being Happy' Is A Choice- by Shahwana Khanam Let's start with a Chinese proverb: "If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you

Declutter The Mind, Clear The Thoughts & Be Productive - By Shahwana Khanam How many of us have tried to clear the nagging thoughts and feeling which keep disturbing us during the day? Especially, when you really want to be still

4 Steps To Forgiveness Inspired by the Teachings of my Spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui The Founder of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga - By Shahwana Khanam

The Power of Forgiveness Inspired by the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Founder of Arhatic Yoga & Modern Pranic Healing- By Shahwana Khanam Many of us struggle with relationships gone sour, some with close relatives or friends or even with

Prioritising Your Mental Wellness, Self-love & Self-Care - By Michelle Arscott In this new global chapter, more than ever before, it is important to prioritise your self-care and self-love, and mental wellness should be your number 1 priority. Now can be

Pauline's Message: 'We Can Only Heal The World When We Ourselves Have Healed.' Healing is a journey & everyone goes through it at their own pace. There are days that everything seems to be working out perfectly and there are days