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2022 Tag

Who Is Raphael King'ori Ndaiga? I have been in the hospitality industry for about 25 years, having started at our family restaurant, where I got the initial deep dive in this industry. I took a short course at Kenya Utalii

Who Is Raphael King'ori Ndaiga? I have been in the hospitality industry for about 25 years, having started at our family restaurant, where I got the initial deep dive in this industry. I took a short course at Kenya Utalii

True Transformation Is An Inner Journey The metamorphosis stage in a Caterpillar’s life is the most difficult, I would think. When it reaches this stage, it probably feels like its whole world has caved in. It probably has the worst thoughts about

Who Is Peter Karanja Mwaura? I am a Kenyan-born chef who is very passionate about food and the impact it has on the society. I pursued a diploma in culinary arts at Cascade Institute Of Hospitality and since then I knew

Spiritual Alchemy & The Dark Night Of The Soul Spiritual Alchemy is the process of turning a person’s “Lead” (persona, ego, thoughts, beliefs, etc) into “Gold”. The First Stage of Spiritual Alchemy is known as CALCINATION. It is also known as the

Who Is Peter Karanja Mwaura? I am a Kenyan-born chef who is very passionate about food and the impact it has on the society. I pursued a diploma in culinary arts at Cascade Institute Of Hospitality and since then I knew

Who Is Peter Karanja Mwaura? I am a Kenyan-born chef who is very passionate about food and the impact it has on the society. I pursued a diploma in culinary arts at Cascade Institute Of Hospitality and since then I knew

Who Is Peter Karanja Mwaura? I am a Kenyan-born chef who is very passionate about food and the impact it has on the society. I pursued a diploma in culinary arts at Cascade Institute Of Hospitality and since then I knew

What Is Quantum Creativity? While studying for my PhD in Metaphysics, I often came across this term “Quantum Creativity”. It sounded pretty fancy until I took a deeper look at it and realized that you and I QUANTUM CREATE our lives

Who Is Carol Waithira Mühlenbrock? I am a mother of 2 and an Entrepreneur. I trained as a chef here in Germany, have been cooking for the last 12 years and running my own Restaurant LA KULA Restaurant in Haus

What Is Lucid Living? LUCID = Clear Dear Reader, Here is a question that I would like you to ponder on: Do you have lucidity on your life? In the past, when I have asked this question, I have received a lot of “Yes,

Baz Luhrmann’s ELVIS- Elvis Presley rises to fame in the 1950s while maintaining a complex relationship with his manager, Colonel Tom Parker.

Who Is Carol Waithira Mühlenbrock? I am a mother of 2 and an Entrepreneur. I trained as a chef here in Germany, have been cooking for the last 12 years and running my own Restaurant LA KULA Restaurant in Haus

Do Crystals Really Work? Scientific experiments (such as the Piezoelectric Effect) have proven that Crystals have vibrations. We also know that our universe, including the human body, is made up of pure energy and vibration (remember, Einstein’s E = mc2 or energy

Nikamma (Bollywood)- An action entertainer set in Lucknow that brings us up close with the carefree world of Adi (Abhimanyu Dasani), a pampered no-gooder who has lived all his life under the protection of his elder brother, Raman. The loving

Who Is Carol Waithira Mühlenbrock? I am a mother of 2 and an Entrepreneur. I trained as a chef here in Germany, have been cooking for the last 12 years and running my own Restaurant LA KULA Restaurant in Haus

Is Fear Keeping You Stuck? People are afraid of the unknown because they are taught to fear what they cannot control. A lot of people try to control reality as a way to make themselves feel safe. They construct limited lives for

Who Is Carol Waithira Mühlenbrock? I am a mother of 2 and an Entrepreneur. I trained as a chef here in Germany, have been cooking for the last 12 years and running my own Restaurant LA KULA Restaurant in Haus

Who Is Archie Alvin Athanasius? I am a down to earth happy, funny and generally happy individual. Being a highly seasoned executive chef with over 25 years’ experience in the industry; I am very passionate about my profession, I thrive for

Your Identity Is Putting You In A Cage! Who are you? No really, who are you besides your title, your labels, your job, your family, your social circle, your groups, memberships, without any of these?

Who Is Archie Alvin Athanasius? I am a down to earth happy, funny and generally happy individual. Being a highly seasoned executive chef with over 25 years’ experience in the industry; I am very passionate about my profession, I thrive for

Your Words Are Powerful Tools Of Creation! A couple of months back, I met someone who was going through a rough phase in life. He had lost his job due to covid and because of this, he had no income to

What Science Has To Say About Energy Healing As an Energy Healer and Alchemist, I often get asked for proof whether Energy exists and whether Energy Healing really works. For my sceptic friends out there, and for those who believe

Who Is Archie Alvin Athanasius? I am a down to earth happy, funny and generally happy individual. Being a highly seasoned executive chef with over 25 years’ experience in the industry; I am very passionate about my profession, I thrive for

Who Is Archie Alvin Athanasius? I am a down to earth happy, funny and generally happy individual. Being a highly seasoned executive chef with over 25 years’ experience in the industry; I am very passionate about my profession, I thrive for

The Butterfly Effect: Tiny Things Can Change The World At Large!“ It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now

Who Is Josemaria Bennett? I was born in the 90s. I always wanted to cook from a young age, I've been a chef for a decade now, and I'm still hungry to learn more.

Who Is Josemaria Bennett? I was born in the 90s. I always wanted to cook from a young age, I've been a chef for a decade now, and I'm still hungry to learn more.

Who Is Josemaria Bennett? I was born in the 90s. I always wanted to cook from a young age, I've been a chef for a decade now, and I'm still hungry to learn more.

Who Is Josemaria Bennett? I was born in the 90s. I always wanted to cook from a young age, I've been a chef for a decade now, and I'm still hungry to learn more.

Protecting Your Energy: Keep Your Energy High! Did you know that we have the ability to influence our Energy by the choices that we make every day? What we decide on a daily basis can either transform us for the better, or

Who Is Mesha Tarun? I’m a 21-year-old, young, enthusiastic chef who has a passion for creating unique flavour combinations and culinary experiences for my guests.

You Are A Multidimensional Being Part 2 In my Previous Article, you got an idea of what being multidimensional means. This week, we will take a similar approach and look at what is it to be Multidimensional in a Non-Physical existence.

Who Is Mesha Tarun? I’m a 21-year-old, young, enthusiastic chef who has a passion for creating unique flavour combinations and culinary experiences for my guests.

Who Is Mesha Tarun? I’m a 21-year-old, young, enthusiastic chef who has a passion for creating unique flavour combinations and culinary experiences for my guests.

You Are A Multidimensional Being Have you ever felt that everything was happening all at once, that time is just an illusion? Have you known deep down that every cell & part of your physical body is literally a carbon copy

Who Is Mesha Tarun? I’m a 21-year-old, young, enthusiastic chef who has a passion for creating unique flavour combinations and culinary experiences for my guests.

Treat Her Right: Treat Her Like A Lady! There is no perfect way to treat a woman 'right', as no two women are alike, & you, and only you, can truly know the way to her heart. Many women still struggle

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay To Love and to be loved is the key to all happiness… agree? Then why is everyone suffering in love? Why is love such a struggle? I think it begins with the

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay Happy Valentine's…. I hope you took this opportunity to shower yourself with some self-love. Usually, Valentine's isn’t such a big deal in my household. I take my mother on a date. We

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 2: When It Hurts To Stay To Love and to be loved is the key to all happiness… agree? Then why is everyone suffering in love? Why is love such a struggle? I think it begins with the

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Soul Contracts When Love Hurts Part 1: The Not So “ROSY” Side Of LOVE Happy New Year! Is it just me, or does it actually feel like February has brought with it a breath of fresh air? I have been away, dear ones, for

Who Is Joseph Macharia Kimani? I am a proud Kenyan chef who has a passion for food and a determination to learn more as well as teach more, all things related to culinary.

Making Cooking Easy: The Best Of Chef Raphael It's almost New Year's, so how about a colourful dessert to help you start the year cheerfully? Chef Raphael's Rainbow Cake recipe, is just what you need! You can make this delicious, colourful

Adieu, 2021: My Two Books For The End Of 2021 Just like you, I also took this last week of 2021 to reflect on my year and decide what I want for myself in 2022. Since I was off work, I

4 Popular Colour Trends Of 2022 To Look Out For! Undeniably, the last 2 years have been nothing short of crazy! Hence designers have carefully opted for colour options that will brighten our homes and moods. So let's dive in and

The Good Safaritans Of The Nairobi National Park! One thing that has always touched me in life, is when people help those in need, especially when they expect nothing in return. Many people know the biblical parable of the good Samaritan

It's Almost New Year's, So Get Your Flowers From J.K Florists! Let's celebrate New Year's with fresh flowers! You can order a fresh floral arrangement or fresh flower bouquet for yourself and your near and dear ones at amazing prices from

The Sky Is The Limit: Approaching The New Year With A Mindset Of Abundance 48% of the American population quit their jobs this year with the intention of being self-employed. There was a surge in numbers of online businesses, coaches, entrepreneurs,

Manifest 2022 With The Power Of Numbers Part 2 - by Alia Datoo A manifestation is something you create into physical reality through intentional thoughts, feelings, or beliefs. In other words, whatever you focus on with intention, will come to being. What

Manifest 2022 With The Power Of Numbers - by Alia Datoo Numerology is a magical source of inspiration, insight and manifestation, but how do you access this infinite Universal wisdom? One of the simplest ways for you to do this is getting