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Rubia Zablon Tag

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line

Who Is Rubia Zablon? A professional and passionate chef with twelve years of experience, the brand ambassador for the Swiss education group (Culinary Academy) and the chef/owner of Charrd Grill Company that has a BBQ themed online restaurant and product line