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Navigating Challenges To Build A Stronger Connection No relationship is without obstacles. From communication breakdowns to external stressors, navigating challenges is an inevitable part of any partnership. However, how we approach these obstacles can make all the difference in the strength

10 Tips To Help You Talk With Your Child About "The Birds & The Bees" Talking to your child about sex and relationships can be an extremely uncomfortable topic for many parents. However, it's a must to have these conversations, in

5 Important Values To Teach Your Young Ones A lot of parents think that there's no point teaching their toddlers values, as they're too young to understand and grasp the concept. This is a huge misconception! There are certain values that

7 Ways To Show Your Child Some Love 'Tis February, the month of love, so how about you start showing your child love, starting this month, as kids need to feel love & as parents sometimes, it's difficult to know if

Attachment Trauma: Causes, Consequences & Treatment! Children are delicate flowers that bloom when cared for with love & children look to their primary caregivers for a variety of human needs, from shelter to affection, it is these early life experiences that

Trust Your Child To Make The Right Choice, By Letting Them Explore Their Own Life As a caring parent, it's normal to want nothing but the best for your child, after all, you want your child to be happy and successful

My Partner Suffers From Depression, What Can I Do? Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by low mood or persistent sadness, that can interfere with daily activities, disturb one's sleep and appetite. It is estimated, that 5% of adults, suffer

Unconditional Love: 6 Secrets To Loving Your Child Unconditionally! Unconditional love means loving your child every day in the bad and good times, i.e. loving your child no matter what, without any reservations or conditions & without expecting anything in return.

Speech Development In Children Most parents confuse speech & language development. Speech is a verbal expression of language an easier way to understand this is it involves the way we form words and sounds. Whereas language is giving & getting

Cultivating Empathy: Benefits & Tips Empathy is the ability to understand how others feel and & be able to put yourself in their shoes, despite any differences. It's basically about perspective-taking and compassion. It is a foundation needed to build good

Homework Hassles: Every Parent's Headache! Homework is a set of tasks assigned by teachers, for students to complete outside the class. These commonly include assignments comprising reading or writing tasks, mathematical exercises etc for practice. The whole point of homework is

Stage Fright: How To Help Your Child Combat Stage Fear Have you noticed your child gets nervous, fearful or stresses just before a recital, play, class presentation or school concert? Though some children love having all eyes on them, not all

How To Raise A Smart Child If you are wondering, is it even possible to raise a smart child without struggle, then the answer is YES! All you need is a conducive environment which includes love, support & care, encouragement along

The DTaP Vaccine: What All Parents Need To Know! The DTaP vaccine is a 3-in-1 vaccine that contains inactivated forms of toxins (produced by the 3 bacteria that cause the diseases), given to children under the age of 7 in 5

Cleft Lip & Cleft Palate: Everything A Parent Needs To Know! Cleft lip & cleft palate are common birth defects where a baby is born with a cleft/gap or split in the lip and/or roof of the mouth (palate). This malformation

Child Counselling: A Complete Guide For Parents! If you thought adults alone can be in the need of counselling, then you are wrong. Children too struggle and can get stressed, and may have difficulty coping with life. They, too, can suffer

Strabismus In Children: Recognizing & Treatment Of Strabismus A squint also known as strabismus is a common paediatric eye condition in children, where the eye muscles fail to work together. There is thus a misalignment of the eyes and may be

Parenting With Love: The Importance Of Love Towards Your Child The most important thing every child needs growing up, is love! Yes, that's right! If you are a parent, and you're reading this, then you must be wondering 'but wait, that's

Advantages Of Living In A Nuclear Family A Nuclear or immediate family is a 'typical' family structure, that includes parents and children living in the same household. This is considered the ideal family arrangement to raise children, by most. There are

What Is Academic Motivation & What Role Do Parents Play? Academic motivation has been defined as 'a child's desire in learning which is reflected in the approach, persistence and level of interest in academics, as judged against a standard of performance

Childhood Trauma- What Every Parent Needs To Know! It's so common to hear parents saying 'but this happened to him/her when he/she was so young! So don't worry he/she won't even remember!' This is completely UNTRUE! The truth is yes children

Understanding Stress In Children Stress is a reaction of one's body to the different situations or things that occur within or outside one's body. Little amount of stress is good not just for adults but also for children. This good stress

Childhood Obesity- What Every Parent Needs To Know! Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition in which a child is noted to be significantly overweight for his/her age & height. This complex disease is no longer a disease of the developed

Hearing Loss In A Child: My Child Can't Hear? The 'hearing ability' is what helps a child to develop his/her speech as well as language skills. A child with hearing loss can either be diagnosed at birth or during childhood, which

Does Your Child Have ADHD? Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD can be extremely challenging for you and your child, however, you can overcome the challenges by understanding what this is, the types & symptoms and the treatment to help your

Stuttering In Children Stuttering is a common speech problem among children whereby the normal flow of a child's speech is disrupted making it difficult for the child to speak & communicate smoothly with others. A child with a stutter knows exactly

Are You A Strict Parent? By definition, a strict parent is one who uses Strict parenting approach to rear their child. They usually have high standards set with firm rules and regulations with one main goal being 'obedience', which if

What Is Your Parenting Style? There are many ways a parent can raise their child and although there are four basic parenting styles, your parenting style may consist of a combination of strategies to raise your child. It was in the

Handling A Child With Special Needs? The term 'special needs' is an umbrella term to describe children with disabilities that may be medical, mental and/or psychological & require assistance for these disabilities. This covers developmental delays, medical conditions, psychiatric conditions and

Does Your Child Have Dyslexia? What Is Dyslexia? Is your child having reading difficulty? If the answer is yes then your child could be dyslexic. This can be challenging for you and your child, however, you can overcome the challenges by

Does Your Child Have Down Syndrome? What Is Down Syndrome? Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder in which one has an extra chromosome that causes developmental as well as intellectual delays. Every normal individual has 46 chromosomes. A chromosome comprises of

Does Your Child Have A Learning Disability? What Is A 'Learning Disability'? If your child struggles with school, struggles to solve a simple math problem, struggles writing a paragraph or dreads reading, is frustrated and irritable as he/she can't perform simple