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parental problems Tag

Instilling 8 Good Manners In Your Child! It's imperative that you instil good manners in your child, as it is an incredibly important life skill, and it's important you start early. Good manners begin with simple words such as thank you

Instilling 8 Good Manners In Your Child! It's imperative that you instil good manners in your child, as it is an incredibly important life skill, and it's important you start early. Good manners begin with simple words such as thank you

8 Toxic Parental Behaviours To Avoid! Toxic behaviour doesn't have to be the 'obvious' mistreatment or neglect of a child. There are also other behaviours that go unnoticed as toxic. These behaviours can have a long-lasting negative impact on children

Childhood Asthma- Childhood Asthma- What Every Parent Of A Child With Asthma, Needs To Know! Childhood asthma is an incurable condition in which certain triggers such as pollen or a common cold, can cause the airways and lungs to get inflamed.

How To Manage A Rebellious Child! Is your rebellious child driving you up the wall? Don't worry you are not alone! A child can be rebellious at any age be it at a toddler stage or during the teens. It's therefore

How To Ensure Your Child's Safety On Social Media & The Internet There is no denying that we live in a digital world. Social media has taken over everything we do. It's not just our lives but also our children's lives

Nurturing Your Child's Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence EI also referred to as EQ or emotional quotient is defined as the ability to understand as well as use and manage your emotions to not only communicate and empathize with others effectively

Importance Of Father & Child Bonding Long gone are the times when a mother was known to be the only important figure who took care of all the emotional and physical needs of a child. Nowadays, the number of single

Connecting With Your Child- How To Connect With Your Child & Its Importance! How many of us feel that we are disconnected in one way or another with our child? How many of us feel that the screen time has

Teach Your Child To Be Kind Starting This Christmas! Being kind is imperative and it's every parent's responsibility to make sure that they instil this important quality in their child. We all know that the world has become a meaner place

Your Guide To Sibling Rivalry If you have children you may have been faced with the issues of sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry is a concern for almost every parent with two or more children. It is defined as competition and animosity

Healthy Disciplining - The Best Way To Discipline A Child! Disciplining a child is every parent's nightmare! It is a job that parents dislike as it takes a lot of patience and can be very taxing. Remember it is your duty

4 Biggest Parenting Challenges Faced By Every Parent Parenting can be the most wonderful & most rewarding job in the world but at the same time, it can be the most challenging and at times frustrating too. If you are a

Understanding Mental Health In Children Just as physical health plays a vital role in the overall well being of a child so does the mental health. Good mental health is needed for a child to thrive and survive as it allows

Back To School - Embracing The New Norm! As schools reopen and the Covid crisis continues, parents are preparing to embrace themselves for yet another new norm. After a long break, some parents seem to breathe a sigh of relief

Embracing The Wave Of Digitalization: 7 Tips On How To Prepare Yourself & Your Child For This New Digital World! The world as we knew yesterday is no longer the same! Ever since COVID-19 entered our world, everything has changed &

A Parent's Guide To Night Terrors! A night terror, also known as a sleep terror, is more intense & dramatic than a simple nightmare & occurs in only 3-6% of children. It is also important to note that after a nightmare

Parental Challenges - Every Parent's Nightmare! Parenting has become and still keeps becoming more and more challenging as the years go by. Long gone are the days when parents could let their children play in the neighbourhood without having to worry

How To To Help Raise A Confident Child Confidence is the key to your child's happy and healthy future. Remember, children that are confident are better prepared to handle situations such as whilst encountering a bully, peer pressure, challenges etc. It

How To Motivate Your Child To Learn Some children are just good learners however the child's individual personality plays a vital role to determine his/her willingness to want to learn. However, it's important to note that any child who has

Online Education- What Are The Pros & Cons? Now more than ever before, online education has been the main method of learning online & this trend has been growing fast across the globe. Attending a classroom is no longer an option

The Importance Of Bilingual Education What Is Bilingual Education? Bilingual Education is basically education in two languages; usually a native language and a second language, but it depends and varies from country to country.

How To Tackle Issues As Parents, During COVID-19 Lockdown Parenting is a 24/7 job that has no breaks or vacays. If you are a parent you know this is a full-time unpaid job that needs to be done, as the tiny

How To Avoid Mealtime Struggle With Your Child! Mealtime struggle is a real and major issue for many parents. But this dinnertime battle can actually be avoided! Encouraging your child towards healthy eating habits is a task that requires a lot

Single Parenting During COVID-19 Lockdown The lockdown has surely taken its toll on most families in general, however, it has been even tougher on the single parents. Kids who used to be at school are now all of a sudden stuck

A Parental Guide To Depression In Children If you were unsure of depression in children as being a 'real thing', then you may want to read this article! In fact, the rate of depression in children has been rising over the

Importance Of Traditional Toys: 6 Reasons Why Toys Are Good For Your Child! With the advancement of technology and the invention of touchscreens, most parents these days tend to invest in gadgets such as tablets or phones for their children. However,

How To Help Your Child Deal With A Bully- A Guide To Every Parent's Nightmare! Bullying is an extremely sensitive topic & can be very difficult for some parents to handle as mean kids can be found from younger grades to

Getting Your Child Into The Habit Of Making Thoughtful New Year's Resolution! This New Year, get your children involved too. New Year's resolutions shouldn't have to be for adults only, make sure you involve your children & put this into practice