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Firas Chouchane, co-writer of Rahmatun Lil’alameen, is a singer/songwriter and a project manager at QPG LIMITED. With a background in business and management, Firas has a history of successful participation in developing and implementing effective strategies to drive sales and

Why Am I Not Getting Any Business Online? STOP WASTING MONEY! Anyone can find a company to post on all your social media sites weekly, but here at H&S Reliance Group we are different, we're not only in the business

Saving Kenya's Elephants - Hands Off Our Elephants! The battle to save the elephants in Kenya and throughout Africa continues, as many are aware a few years ago a huge mega pile of Ivory representing about 8000 elephants was burned

Maximizing Your Reach and Boosting Your Business with Professional Online Marketing. In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. Whether you're a startup or an established company, effectively marketing your products or

Achieve Luscious Locks with These Easy DIY Hair Treatments. We all want healthy and luscious locks, but with so many hair products on the market, it can be tough to know where to start. Luckily, there are plenty of natural

What You Need To Know Before Opening Your Own Business? Anyone can open a business today and start selling goods and services, but many face closure within the first 3 years of business without proper planning.

What You Need To Know Before Opening Your Own Business? Anyone can open a business today and start selling goods and services, but many face closure within the first 3 years of business without proper planning.

Take The Steps & Prepare Your Business For Online Success, It's Never Too Late, Let Us Help You Get Back On Track

I Have A Website, But Why Am I Not Getting Any Traffic? You have invested in a website, but you are not getting enough traffic, where do you go from here? At H&S Reliance Group, we always focus on your

What Is SEO? SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is probably the most important term that you will learn to help drive more traffic to your website & help get your business listed on all the major search engines on the web.

Why Build A Digital Presence For Your Business? In today's world, businesses must ensure that they are not left behind by their competition. The most important investment that you can ever make for the betterment of your business, should be building

MAD, Stands for: M- Marketing, A- Advertising & D- Distribution, Looking for a professional company who not only creates your strategy but manages and executes your goals through an 'all-in-one' sales solution?

It is quickly becoming fact that by 2020, if your business doesn't start embracing technology your business could become extinct. Whatever industry you're in or choose to be in, having an online presence is very important. You could be running a

Why Build A Digital Presence For Your Business? In today's world, businesses must ensure that they are not left behind by their competition. The most important investment that you can ever make for the betterment of your business, should be building

Want To Help Us Bring You A Better Experience? As H&S Magazine Kenya we thrive every week to bring you exciting featured content to your digital device, updating you on the latest trends in lifestyle.

What Is Your Digital Presence? Stand Out In 2019! Welcome To The World Of Elite Lifestyle, H&S Magazine Kenya, is a digital ‘Elite Lifestyle’ magazine that consists of digital marketing to attract customers to your establishment via original content through

It is quickly becoming fact that by 2020, if your business doesn't start embracing technology your business could become extinct. Whatever industry you're in or choose to be in, having an online presence is very important. You could be running a