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positive thoughts & reflections Tag

Emotional Healing Through Self-Compassion - By Alia Datoo “Your emotions make you human. Even the unpleasant ones have a purpose. Don't lock them away. If you ignore them, they just get louder and angrier.” ― Sabaa Tahir.

OVERCOMING LONELINESS ON THE SPIRITUAL PATH - By Khilan Shah Who can we share our tribulations and trials with as we continually seek personal transformation and spiritual progress in the midst of the materially driven day-to-day world? Who can we turn

Change Is Good.. - By Shahwana Khanam As we go through the changes that have taken place in the past three months, how have we adapted to them? For many of us, we just went ahead and made the necessary requirements that

“Riding the wave” is a psychological practice of surfing your own powerful and negative emotions. This week I’d like to share with you a very interesting excerpt from a book I recently completed. Every day we are confronted with negative emotions that

The Power Within - The Power Of Thought There is a power within us which we are unable to control, and if we do learn how to control it, we can manifest almost anything in life.

Alia's Message: 'Embracing your Shadow simply means accepting these unconscious desires as part of us and integrating them into our lives.' Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. - Carl Jung

4 Steps To Forgiveness Inspired by the Teachings of my Spiritual Teacher Grand Master Choa Kok Sui The Founder of Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga - By Shahwana Khanam

The Power of Forgiveness Inspired by the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui Founder of Arhatic Yoga & Modern Pranic Healing- By Shahwana Khanam Many of us struggle with relationships gone sour, some with close relatives or friends or even with

'Overcoming Laziness On Our Spiritual Journey' - By Khilan Shah Laziness is something I have fallen victim to on my spiritual path and it still catches me off guard at times. About five years ago, during a casual conversation with Paramahamsa

Alia's Message: 'This Ramadan, Take The Opportunity To Go Deeper & Re-birth Your Soul. 'Ramadan Mubarak to all my friends and extended family!

'HOW ATTACHED ARE WE TO OUR REPUTATION' - By Khilan Shah Very often we may find ourselves in a position when our actions and behaviour–although they may make sense to us or we have reasons for them that we are not

Alia's Message: 'Self-love isn’t about being selfish, in fact, the more you love and respect yourself the easier it will be for you to love, respect and help others.' These are testing times. In addition to all the precautions, we are

CRISIS: AN OPPORTUNE TIME TO MAKE A PERSONAL BREAKTHROUGH - By Khilan Shah Today I would like us to challenge the way we think, our habits and actions, our limits and barriers that we have put on ourselves.

Pauline's Message: 'Empowering A Woman Is Empowering A Society' One day I got tired of living as a 'Shadow' and made up my mind to take up spaces and be the voice of young women living in the slums. Growing up

'HOW WE RECEIVE IS HOW WE GIVE' - By Khilan Shah We have a strong admiration for people who, despite how bad their position is, refuse to accept help, gifts or charity from anyone. Their mentality can be seen to be

Aliya's Message: 'Begin with one area and see the magic of gratitude unfold in all areas of your life.' There is no doubt that we have been hit with one of the most trying times of our lives, and many of