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Sacral Chakra Tag

Life Is Wonderful If You Embrace Your Awesomeness! When was the last time someone told you how wonderful you are? Or, let me ask you when was the last time you told someone how AWESOME they were? Why am I asking you this?

What Would We Do Without You…! “Without you, there would be one less star on this planet shining the light of possibilities into the hearts of others.” Today, I just wanted to come here and tell you that you are more than

If You Are Going To Tell A Story, Tell One That Supports You! I was cleaning out my bookshelf the other day, and came across a dusty copy of my first co-published book, “The Unheard Chapters”. I took it down and began

Prepare Yourself, The Choice Is Yours: A New Day, A New Month, A New Beginning, A New Choice Hello Beautiful People! How are you gearing up for the last part of 2022? Well, let me remind you that, you can choose

Journey Into The Chakras: Paying Attention To Your Body's Signals As you grow older, your body starts to give you “signals” on areas that need attention. If you are mindful, this can be a great opportunity to grow and really work

Journey Into The Chakras: Introducing The 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th & 7th Chakras Last Week we took a look at the Developmental stages and life phases of the first two chakras. We will continue with the rest of the Chakras this week.

Journey Into The Chakras: Introducing The 1st & 2nd Chakras Last week we were talking about how our Chakras are directly linked to our life patterns or phases. Let’s take a closer look at this in this week’s article. Chakras are vortexes