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Meditations By Marcus Aurelius- Wisdom from one of the greatest philosophical minds in all of Roman history. Divided into twelve books, these meditations chronicle Aurelius’s personal quest for self-improvement. This enduring text from one of history’s greatest warriors and leaders

Brit Bennett- The Vanishing Half Kindle Edition: From the New York Times bestselling author of The Mothers. "The Vanishing Half is an utterly mesmerising novel. It seduces with its literary flair, surprises with its breath-taking plot twists, delights with its

Bella Forrest- Harley Merlin (19 book series) Kindle Edition- Review By VB- Finally

Robin Sharma- The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari- "My Favourite Book" Jon Bon Jovi: With more than four million copies sold in fifty-one languages, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari launched a bestselling series and continues to help people from