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Anchors – By Michelle Arscott

Who Have You Chosen To Be Your Anchors?- By Michelle Arscott

In this week’s mental wellness video, the focus is upon the important people in your life.

When you think about those people, the people that you choose to surround yourself with.

Do they inspire you to be the best version of yourself?

Are they there for you in the good and bad times? Or just your fair-weather friends.

Do they bring positivity into your life?

Do they have traits that you emulate and compliment your own?

It’s very important to think about who we choose in our lives.
Remember that you are the sum total of your five closest friends.
How does the last statement make you feel about your inner circle?

When you have a good inner circle reflective of you and your true authentic self, they can be such important anchors in your life and be there for you in the good and bad times.

At times when you are feeling low, it is important to remind yourselves of those anchors and remember that you are never alone! Have a little note to remind you and refer to it whenever you require a positive boost.

Anchors in your life are like roots of a tree, keeping you grounded and uprights, strong in the face of the wind of challenging.

Make sure that you choose your anchors wisely!

‘As you grow up, you realise it becomes less important to have a ton of friends and more important to have real ones.’ – Anon


Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach

BSc (Econ) Psychology & Sociology
PGCE Education
ILM certified Coach