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What Is Tooth Sensitivity? Ever felt like having that gelato that everyone in town has been talking about, but the thought of that sharp sensitivity in your teeth with that first bite makes you cringe.

What Is Bruxism? Bruxism is a term used to describe abnormal tooth grinding. Nocturnal bruxism is described as tooth grinding when sleeping. Bruxism generally is a parafunctional habit, which means it’s a habit that functions out of the norm. It is

Antibiotics In Dentistry: Do We Need Antibiotics When We See The Dentist? The use of antibiotics in dentistry has been one of the most discussed topics around the globe, and unfortunately, there is none with a universal consensus as to the

What is a Dry Socket? A dry socket is a complication that can occur after tooth extraction. The medical term for dry socket is “Alveolar Osteitis”. It is a very painful condition and will require the dentist to intervene to

What Is Gum Disease?  Gingivitis commonly known as gum disease is the most common disease present in almost every human being. Some may have generalized gingivitis, while some may have localized gingivitis. It is classically characterized by bleeding gums around the

Braces – To get or not to get? That is the question! There are so many people out there with this question on their minds thinking do I need braces or not? Not everyone needs braces, whereas some people do need

Why Do I Need A Root Canal? We first have to understand the tooth structure to appreciate the rationale of root canal treatment. The outer covering of the tooth, which appears white, is called enamel. This is the hardest substance in

Does Chewing Gum After A Meal Really Help? I have been asked many times if chewing gum after a meal is beneficial to prevent dental caries. My answer is “YES! Sugar-free chewing gum after a meal does help prevent dental caries.

What Is Dental Caries? Dental decay as we commonly know it is also known as 'dental caries'. It is the chemical breakdown of the tooth structure due to the action of acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria feed on

What Is Dental Plaque? Dental plaque is an accumulation of bacteria in the mouth. It starts off as a colourless sticky film on the surface of the tooth, as it thickens, it changes its colour to yellow or brown. The mouth

Everything You Should Know About Pesky Wisdom Teeth! Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars are the most notorious teeth when it comes to their growth and development. Sometimes, they may grow straight, grow sideways, backward, or don't grow due to

How Often Should You Visit The Dentist? This simple question is on a lot of people’s mind and the answer may not be as simple. Regular visits to the dentist should be part of your annual health check routine. Most clinicians