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Part 2: Crafting Your Sacred Geometry Now that you've glimpsed the potential of crystal grids, it's time to roll up your sleeves and start crafting your own sacred geometry. Begin by selecting crystals that resonate with your intentions. Are you seeking

Part 2: Rebirthing & Renewing Yourself Mentally Mental rebirth and renewal are essential for nurturing a healthy mind and fostering personal growth. Our thoughts shape our reality, and by releasing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs, we can create space for

Spiritual Essence Of Ramadan At its core, Ramadan is a time for spiritual renewal and connection to the divine. Practitioners seek spiritual enlightenment by increasing their prayer, reciting the Quran, and engaging in acts of worship. Ramadan emphasises the importance of spiritual

Physical Essence Of Ramadan Ramadan's physical aspect includes fasting from dawn to dusk and abstaining from food, drink, and other physical pleasures. This period of self-discipline and self-control is intended to cleanse the body and soul, allowing for a more profound connection

Deepening Bonds and Cultivating Peace in Ramadan Through Feline Yoga Embracing the spirit of Ramadan extends beyond human practice; it can also include our beloved feline companions. Cat yoga, an emerging trend in pet wellness, offers a unique opportunity to connect

Emotional Essence Of Ramadan Ramadan is a time for emotional purification and renewal. Practitioners foster empathy and compassion for others by acting compassionately, generously, and forgivingly. During this period of introspection, individuals can reflect on their actions and seek forgiveness for

Mental Essence Of Ramadan Ramadan, the holiest month in Islam, is a time for spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and increased devotion. Aside from its religious significance, Ramadan has profound mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual implications for practitioners.

The Art Of Letting Go: Embracing Life Beyond Expectations- Article by Shahwana Expectations are the threads that weave the fabric of our lives. We expect success, happiness, love, and fulfilment, both from ourselves and from others. While having expectations can

Embracing Preventive Healing Through Mindfulness - Article by Shahwana What we see, we embrace, what we don’t see, we tend to take it for granted

Navigating The Impact Of Travel On Your Relationship Travelling with a partner can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it can also come with its fair share of challenges. From differences in travel style to unexpected mishaps, the way you

Transforming Adversity Into Opportunities For Growth And Resilience - Article by Shahwana Life is an unpredictable journey filled with ups and downs, challenges, and triumphs. While we all cherish the joyful moments, it's the difficulties and obstacles that often define our

Creating Inner Peace: A Path To Harmony & Well-Being - Article by Shahwana In today's fast-paced and often chaotic world, finding inner peace is a valuable pursuit. Inner peace is a state of mental and emotional tranquillity that can help us

Discovering the Energy Force Within You. In the realm of holistic well-being and personal development, the concept of "chi" holds a special place. Originating from ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine, chi, also spelled "qi," is often described as the vital

Moving Energy: Embrace the Power of Movement MOVEMENT-BASED TECHNIQUES Movement is an excellent (and simple) way to move energy and release stagnant, negative energy. Movement can be subtle or aggressive. Here are some examples of Movement Based Techniques that can be easily

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • What if everything we think we know about how the world works—our ideas of love, education, spirituality, work, happiness, and love—are based on Brules (bullsh*t rules) that get passed from generation to generation and are

Connecting With The Earth: Earth-Based Techniques For Inner Balance & Harmony EARTH-BASED TECHNIQUES Earth-based practises are ideal for when you are feeling scattered, flighty, or overly reactive. Earth is good for settling chaotic energy and gathering it together so that it can

How Parents Can Promote Positive Mental Health In Their Children As a parent, your child's well-being is your top priority. While physical health is important, it's also crucial to prioritize your child's mental health. Children today face a range of

How To Communicate Effectively With Your Partner Communication is the foundation of any relationship. It allows partners to connect and understand each other better, build trust and intimacy, and resolve conflicts. However, effective communication is not always easy, especially when emotions

Harnessing The Elements: Fire & Air Techniques For Energy Clearing FIRE-BASED TECHNIQUES Fire is sometimes an effective clearing ally. As with water, you can use fire in your energy-cleansing practises by using candles, burning objects yourself, and using visualization. It can be

How To Maintain Individuality & Connection In A Relationship In a healthy relationship, it's essential to strike a balance between independence and interdependence. While it's crucial to maintain individuality and have personal space, it's also important to connect with your partner

Helping Your Child Develop Healthy Habits For A Lifetime Of Wellness As parents, we want our children to grow up happy, healthy, and confident. One of the key components of this is teaching them the importance of self-care. By prioritizing their

The Happiness Project, Tenth Anniversary Edition- In our fast-paced world, where stress and responsibilities often take centre stage, finding true happiness can sometimes feel like a distant dream. However, in "The Happiness Project," Gretchen Rubin takes readers on a transformative

The Path to Mental Serenity In the fast-paced world we live in, our minds often become cluttered with stress, anxiety, and endless to-do lists. Just like decluttering our physical space brings a sense of calm, tidying up our minds can lead

Stay Above The Line - Embrace Joy, Peace, & Positive Choices! There are times when we have to hit the pause button and reflect. Reflecting allows us to gain clarity and perspective on our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It helps us

Strategies For Managing Jealousy & Insecurity In Your Relationship Jealousy and insecurity can be significant sources of stress and strain in a relationship. These emotions are common, but when they become excessive or uncontrolled, they can damage the relationship and cause

How To Spark Meaningful Conversations With Your Partner Conversation starters can be a great way to connect with your partner on a deeper level. They can help you get to know each other better, share your thoughts and feelings, and create

Shaping Your Reality & Aligning With Positive Energies Through Conscious Choices Do you realise that everything you experience or attract into your life is the result of a single, simple choice you make? Every moment offers us the chance to exercise our

How To Navigate A Relationship With Different Political Views In today's politically charged climate, it's not uncommon for partners to have opposing political views. While this can create a lively debate, it can also lead to tension, disagreements, and conflict. It's

Keeping The Spark Alive: Habits That Loving Couples Embrace to Avoid Taking Each Other For Granted It's common for couples to fall into the trap of taking each other for granted over time, particularly in long-term relationships. However, loving couples understand

Flowing with Grace: Embracing the Art of Vinyasa Yoga. In the bustling world we live in, finding inner peace and balance can be a challenge. Enter Vinyasa Yoga, a dynamic and invigorating practice that combines movement, breath, and mindfulness. Vinyasa

Part 4: The Dark Side Of People Pleasing & Be Still THE DARK SIDE OF PEOPLE PLEASING Do you know a people pleaser? Are you one? Master manipulators are another name for people-pleasers. And at some point in our lives, we have all

Why Beta Males Make Great Partners & How To Embrace Your Relationship The term "alpha male" is often associated with confidence, assertiveness, and dominance. However, the reality is that not everyone is an alpha male, and not all women want to

Understanding the Importance of Trust in a Healthy Relationship Trust is the foundation of any healthy and successful relationship. It allows partners to rely on each other, feel safe and secure, and build a deep connection. Without trust, a relationship can

Part 3: Removing Barriers On A Personal And Global Level & Allow The Inner Fire To Rise REMOVING BARRIERS ON A PERSONAL AND GLOBAL LEVEL Knowing what you don't want and what you want to avoid will help you decide who you

Understanding & Addressing Emotional Needs In A Relationship Emotional needs are an essential part of any healthy relationship. Understanding and addressing these needs can help couples build deeper connections and foster greater intimacy. In this article, we will explore the importance

Part 2: Intuitive Chaos As A Reaction To Global Chaos & To Do, To Be, Or Not

How To Identify The Warning Signs Before It's Too Late When people think of a marriage falling apart, they often imagine it happening in a big, dramatic way. But in reality, many marriages end quietly, with one or both partners slowly

Discover the Therapeutic Power of Gaming for Stress Relief. In our fast-paced and demanding world, finding effective ways to unwind and destress has become crucial for maintaining good mental health. While traditional methods like meditation, exercise, and reading are well-known

Meditate & Listen To The Stillness - Article by Shahwana I come across many people, in my workshops where I teach Pranic Healing, and when a subject of meditation is brought out, 80% of the students say, I cannot meditate, I

Green Tourmaline: For Physical & Emotional Healing! - Article by Shahwana Green Tourmaline is a mineral species known as Elbaite, which is a member of the Tourmaline group of minerals. It is a semi-precious gemstone that is praised for its lush

The Importance Of Mindfulness In Education & How It Can Benefit Your Child As parents, we want our children to succeed in school and in life. However, with the fast-paced and often stressful nature of modern education, it can be challenging

Why The Key To A Happy Marriage Is Not Always In The Grand Gestures In the realm of happy couples, love goes beyond the conventional and dives into the realm of the unusual. Maintaining a strong and fulfilling relationship doesn't always

Crystals: Touch the Essence of Life - Article by Shahwana One of the unique and valuable gifts of nature is the crystals and gemstones. What makes crystals so unique is the ability of crystals to absorb and store energy, as well

Positive Affirmations For Building Self-Confidence & Enhancing Your Overall Well-Being - Article by Shahwana Mantras and affirmations have been used since time immemorial to achieve results. From ancient Vedic chants to modern-day affirmations, people have been using words and phrases to

The Relationship Trap You Need To Avoid We all have our ideal vision of what a perfect relationship should look like, but sometimes we can fall into a trap of trying to make a type of relationship work that is just

Tips For Building A Lasting Marriage Marriage is a beautiful bond that requires a lot of effort and commitment to sustain. If you want your marriage to last a lifetime, you need to be willing to put in the work. In

What Is Meditation On Twin Hearts? Every day you take a shower. Practising the Meditation on Twin Hearts is like taking a Spiritual Shower. When your aura is clean, you experience a Higher Level of awareness. When your aura is

Let's Embrace Gratitude, Forgiveness, Charity, Celebration, Reflection, & Unity On This Joyous Occasion Eid al-Fitr is a joyous occasion celebrated by Muslims around the world. It marks the end of the holy month of Ramadan, during which Muslims fast from sunrise

In any relationship, it's important to feel secure and valued. If you're wondering whether the man in your life is truly committed to you, there are several signs you can look for. In this article, we'll provide ten meaningful signs

Bowing: A Sign Of Respect - Article by Shahwana Bowing has the quality of consciously evoking spirit and conveys a sense of reverence for the people involved. To many in the 21st-century, bowing is a lost art. Sure, you may “bow your

It's a terrible feeling when you feel taken for granted in your relationship. If you're feeling unappreciated or undervalued, it's essential to take action before resentment sets in. In this article, we'll provide ten immediate steps you can take to

Clearing Your Mind For Clarity & Inspiration - Article by Shahwana The more we practice settling our minds, the easier it will become over time. After a full day out in the world, stories, words, images, and songs from any number of

10 Tips For Keeping Your Relationship Exciting And Thrilling Relationships can often become stagnant, leaving partners feeling unfulfilled or bored. However, incorporating fun and adventure into your relationship can bring excitement, deepen your bond, and help you grow together as a couple.

What's Stopping You? Get In Touch Within! - Article by Shahwana We know what we want, however, many of us don’t follow our 'inner voice'. Why would that be a limitation? The voice saying, "I want to get up tomorrow

Tips For Nurturing Your Relationship's Spiritual Connection & Growth Spiritual growth is an essential component of a healthy and fulfilling relationship. It allows partners to connect on a deeper level and find meaning and purpose in their lives together. In this

What Do We Want? Who Do We Ask? - Article by Shahwana These are some interesting questions one may ask, however, many of us have faith in God, and whatever we see and look at the concept of God. A daily

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer has researched intention as a force in the universe that allows the act of creation to take place. This beautiful edition of Wayne’s international bestseller explores intention—not as something we do—but as an energy we’re a

Knowing & Doing Are Two Separate Practices - Article by Shahwana "To know the way and not practice is to be a soup ladle in the pot and not taste the flavour of the soup." - Jack Kornfield We may have attended

Your Future Starts Today! - Article by Shahwana "The only way to bring peace to the earth is to learn to make our own life peaceful" – Jack Kornfield Every morning is a new day, a new opportunity granted by God to

Spread Happiness & Make People Around You Happy! - Article Submitted by Shahwana "Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it." - Bernard Meltzer Happiness is contagious. By sharing your love, by making other people happy, your happiness

10 Tips To Help You Socialize! - Article by Shahwana "There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved." - George Sand Love usually comes with happiness. We feel happier when we are among our friends, loved ones

Improve Relationships This Month Of Love - Article Submitted by Shahwana February is a month associated with Valentine’s Day, a day commemorating loving relationships. Loving relationships by definition are not always romantic. As adults, we have numerous relationships to manage and

Spiritual Path & Healing - Article by Shahwana Almost everyone who undertakes a true spiritual path will discover that profound personal healing is a necessary part of his or her spiritual process. The body, the mind and the spirit need to be

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 5) - Submitted by Shahwana Moderation & Non-excessiveness “Moderation is one of the secrets of prosperity. Do not spend beyond your budget. What you waste will be taken away.” ― Master Choa Kok

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 4) - Submitted by Shahwana “Constancy of Aim and Effort is the quality needed for greatness.”- Master Choa Kok Sui – Founder of Modern Pranic Healing & Arhatic Yoga Perhaps we can call

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 3) - Submitted by Shahwana Let’s focus on being Honest? We have discussed love and generosity in our articles, but how can being honest make us have a better life? Being honest

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 2) - Submitted by Shahwana The last article was all about love and kindness and non-injury. However, looking at life today we also must mould our life in other areas, if we

Character Building- The Future To A Great Life! (Part 1) - Submitted by Shahwana We pick a lot from our childhood, from our parents, teachers, and siblings, thus our life is highly based on what we saw and what we practice.

Create Your Future, Manifest Your Greatness! - Submitted by Shahwana Your present state creates your future, as your past was creating your now. So, what are we manifesting as our goals and plans, the year is ahead, have we got goals

The Angel Talk: What Is An Angel? - Submitted by Shahwana “Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an Angel.”- Saint Augustine There are many stories and testimonials from people who have encountered angels. They’ve been helped,

The 4 Main Types Of Karma! - Submitted by Shahwana Vartamana Karma or Present Karma This is the karma that you’re going through right now. Suppose, for some reason, you’re sick of mangoes. You can chop the trees off or uproot them.

Mindfulness Is A Journey! - Submitted by Shahwana “With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment.” - Thich Nhat Hanh Mindfulness is a term we hear a

Handling Uncertainty: Life Is Uncertain! - Submitted by Shahwana Life is uncertain. No matter how much we mentally prepare, certain events like death and medical expenses come with their own load of unexpectedness.

The 3 Powers Of Man - Submitted by Shahwana “I am a spiritual being of Divine Light, Divine Love and Divine Power.” - Master Choa Kok Sui The power of thought is one of the greatest powers that everyone possesses. However, only

We Are All A 'Work In Progress' - Submitted by Shahwana “I learned to recognize the thorough and primitive duality of man; I saw that, of the two natures that contended in the field of my consciousness, even if I could rightly

Living A More Meaningful Life With Mindfulness - Submitted by Shahwana “With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment.”- Thich Nhat Hanh

Take Charge, Change What You Don't Like! - An Article by Shahwana If you are unhappy about anything in your life, do something about it; change it. You are not destined to be unhappy! You have the will and the intelligence

Practising Detachment Brings Freedom, Happiness & Inner Peace - An Article by Shahwana “Attachment is the great fabricator of illusions; reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached.” - Simone Weil Often anger, sadness and dissatisfaction comes from encountering unexpected

Love & Forgive Yourself - An Article by Shahwana One of the biggest parts about self-love is forgiving yourself. Forgiving yourself when you feel like you’ve fallen short. Forgiving yourself when you mess up, when you’ve said the wrong thing, when

Why & How You Should Let Go Of The Past! - An Article by Shahwana "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." - Albert Schweitzer The past is the past. By thinking about your mistakes, people who hurt

About Pranic Healing - The Ancient Science Of Art & Energy Healing - by Shahwana Pranic healing has the ability to enhance all areas of your life, including your physical and psychological well-being, your relationships, and even your finances. It is

Why Do We Fear The Unknown? - An Article by Shahwana "No one is afraid of heights; they are afraid to fall. No one is afraid to play, they are afraid to lose. No one is afraid of the dark,

The Morning Rush: Are Your Early Mornings On Autopilot Mode? - An Article by Shahwana How often do we get up and run our early mornings on autopilot? How often do we taste our tea or coffee? How often do

Power Of Mindfulness “With mindfulness, you can establish yourself in the present in order to touch the wonders of life that are available in that moment.” - Thich Nhat Hanh Mindfulness is a term we hear a lot nowadays, not only in

Meditations By Marcus Aurelius- Wisdom from one of the greatest philosophical minds in all of Roman history. Divided into twelve books, these meditations chronicle Aurelius’s personal quest for self-improvement. This enduring text from one of history’s greatest warriors and leaders

Importance Of Family Mindfulness - Written By Michelle Arscott Mindfulness is one of the real buzz words of the moment, for good reason. It has so many wonderful benefits, including most relevantly during the pandemic, reducing stress (Rammers, Topolinsky & Koole,