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5 Warning Signs Of A Troubled Marriage To Look Out For! No marriage is perfect and every marriage has its ups and downs. Having said that, there is no issue that can't be resolved in a marriage, but if it

Are You 'Stuck' In A Sexless Marriage? What is a 'Sexless Marriage' you may ask! Firstly, it's important to understand that 'physical intimacy' is what makes a marriage romantic. A sexless marriage is a marriage in which there is little or

5 Common Relationship Fears That You Should Be Aware Of! Whether you have been in a relationship or you are about to enter one, fear is one of those factors that can take a toll on you and your relationship.

5 Common Marital Problems No marriage is perfect and many couples face similar issues at some point in their marriage. Most issues can be resolved but there are others that need a lot of effort, willingness, and even help. Marriage is

Orgasm & Everything You Should Know About It! Orgasm is that feeling of intense pleasure and discharge of erotic tension when having sexual intercourse. The words 'climaxing' or 'coming' can be used interchangeably when describing orgasm. There is a whole lot

11 Common Sex Issues Every Couple Must Know About! Many couple's therapists would tell you that sex isn't as straightforward as it appears in textbooks or in the movies. There are many couples who have issues but luckily there's a specialist