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Gratitude: How To Develop The Most Important Relationship In Your Life?- Written By Michelle Arscott If someone was to ask you what is the most important relationship in your life, what would you say? You would maybe mention family, friends but

Self-Love: An Act Of Love! - Written By Michelle Arscott Watch this short video to inspire you with your self-love regime. Self-love should always be a priority and even more so in challenging times. The tougher the situation you find yourself

Connection - The Heart of Your Relationship with Your Teen! - Written By Michelle Arscott Parenting teens…, everyone jokingly shudders at the thought! For parents of teens, it certainly is new territory and quite different from any other stage of parenting.

A Little Bit Of Loving-Kindness: A Meditation Practice For Children - Written by Michelle Arscott Today’s audio is a short loving-kindness meditation for children. 2020 has been quite a year and what is definitely needed is a good sprinkle of kindness and

Stepping Outside Of Your Comfort Zone - By Michelle Arscott ‘Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.’ Anon This week's video focuses on the importance of living outside of your comfort zone. It is very easy to stay in this

Positive Living: Be Creative! - Written By Michelle Arscott This week's video focuses on the importance of being creative and having creativity in your life. “Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes and having fun.” - Mary Lou

Importance Of Laughter - By Michelle Arscott This week’s video focuses on the importance of having laughter in your life. ‘The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.’- E.E Cummings Everyone needs a hearty daily dose of laughter, especially during this

Who Have You Chosen To Be Your Anchors?- By Michelle Arscott In this week’s mental wellness video, the focus is upon the important people in your life. When you think about those people, the people that you choose to surround yourself with. Do

How To Cope With Your Negative Voice, Your Inner Critic? - Written By Michelle Arscott This week’s video gives practical tips on how to cope with your negative voice, your inner critic, the voice that you often hear in your head,

Kindness And Compassion Mindfulness Meditation - By Michelle Arscott Now more than ever the world needs kindness and compassion, with Covid19 and the recent racial unrest in the USA and beyond. The video clip I have posted is a 'kindness and

REST - An Important Aspect Of Wellness - by Michelle Arscott The focus of this week’s wellness video is rest. In a society that prides itself on busyness and productivity, rest can be easily neglected, something saved for distant summer holidays. However,

Prioritising Your Mental Wellness, Self-love & Self-Care - By Michelle Arscott In this new global chapter, more than ever before, it is important to prioritise your self-care and self-love, and mental wellness should be your number 1 priority. Now can be

Importance Of Family Mindfulness - Written By Michelle Arscott Mindfulness is one of the real buzz words of the moment, for good reason. It has so many wonderful benefits, including most relevantly during the pandemic, reducing stress (Rammers, Topolinsky & Koole,

Social Distancing = Social Connection! - Written By Michelle Arscott Social distancing is not actually creating a social disconnect, it is in fact creating a deeper social connection. If you are following the global news, you will see many examples of deep

Vitamin G: ‘Gratitude’ - How Can You Boost Your Family’s Dosage? - Written By Michelle Arscott Parents around the world, generally, encourage their children to say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you,’ as a sign of good manners and appreciation. However, how can you

Sleep: How To Get A Good Night’s Rest- Written By Michelle Arscott The morning alarm goes off and let’s face it, who really wants to get out of bed, especially if it’s dark? During the day you fantasize about being in

Bedtime Story- Its Importance & How To Make The Most Of It! - Written By Michelle Arscott Where can you hop to the future, skip to the past, stand in the shoes of legends, face giants, be an astronaut or laugh

Why Support Your Child To Be Confident! - Written By Michelle If you asked any parent in the world what attributes they would like their child to be blessed with, most, if not all, would respond with confidence and kindness.

Nurturing Our Relationship With Ourselves: A Simple Exercise To Connect With Nature And Our Inner Self- Written By Michelle Arscott Life is so busy, juggling work, family, play and looking after our health and general wellbeing. We all know what is

Importance Of Positive Parenting! - Written By Michelle Arscott Read any book on the subject of happiness be it ‘The Secret’, ‘The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People’ or ‘The Happiness Project’ and you will always find that being positive is