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Breastfeeding: Producing A Lot Of Milk & Oversupply Having a good milk supply is healthy, however, producing more milk than what your baby needs (an oversupply) can be an issue for both baby and mama. Some mothers can naturally produce a

Breastfeeding: A Guide For First Time Mothers! Being a new parent can be challenging, after all, a newborn baby can be demanding as it relies on the parent to have all its needs met, one of the most important being hunger.

What Factors Can Affect Your Child's Height? Did you know from the time of birth, there are changes in growth plates that make new bone, increasing the length of long bones in the arms and legs of a baby? In the

Create A Mathematical Rich Environment At Home To Help Your Child Love & Master Mathematics! Raise a child who not just falls in love with letters, but also numbers. The idea is to encourage your child to keep learning numbers, by

Dad & Nighttime Duties: How & Why A Dad Should Help With Babies During The Nighttime! Being a new parent is a full-time job, that can be stressful especially, when you have to wake up in the middle of the night

Foreign Language Teaching Methods To Help Your Child Master A Foreign Language Learning a foreign language has many benefits & research supports teaching your child a second language at an earlier age from birth to about three years of age, because

How To Deal With A Procrastinating Child Who Struggles To Stick To A Schedule Is your child leaving his/her homework for the last minute? Is there difficulty sticking to a schedule? Dealing with a procrastinating child can be quite a challenge

What Is Gentle Parenting & How Can You Incorporate This In Your Daily Life? Parenting is an extremely rewarding job, and it doesn't have to be messy or difficult. Gentle parenting also known as collaborative parenting is a peaceful and

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) - What Every Parent Should Know! SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome, every parent's nightmare, is a sudden and unexplained death of a baby less than 1 year old. As most babies are found dead in

How To Successfully Toilet Train Your Toddler Toilet training can be fun, rewarding, as well as messy, but most of all it requires love and patience. But before you begin the toilet training journey, it's important to know if your

Teaching Your Child To Learn From Mistakes: Your Child Will Make Mistakes, It's How You React That Makes All The Difference! Everyone makes mistakes, children included. It's how you react to those mistakes, as a parent, that can make or break