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True Transformation Is An Inner Journey The metamorphosis stage in a Caterpillar’s life is the most difficult, I would think. When it reaches this stage, it probably feels like its whole world has caved in. It probably has the worst thoughts about

Spiritual Alchemy & The Dark Night Of The Soul Spiritual Alchemy is the process of turning a person’s “Lead” (persona, ego, thoughts, beliefs, etc) into “Gold”. The First Stage of Spiritual Alchemy is known as CALCINATION. It is also known as the

What Is Quantum Creativity? While studying for my PhD in Metaphysics, I often came across this term “Quantum Creativity”. It sounded pretty fancy until I took a deeper look at it and realized that you and I QUANTUM CREATE our lives

What Is Lucid Living? LUCID = Clear Dear Reader, Here is a question that I would like you to ponder on: Do you have lucidity on your life? In the past, when I have asked this question, I have received a lot of “Yes,

Do Crystals Really Work? Scientific experiments (such as the Piezoelectric Effect) have proven that Crystals have vibrations. We also know that our universe, including the human body, is made up of pure energy and vibration (remember, Einstein’s E = mc2 or energy

Is Fear Keeping You Stuck? People are afraid of the unknown because they are taught to fear what they cannot control. A lot of people try to control reality as a way to make themselves feel safe. They construct limited lives for

Your Identity Is Putting You In A Cage! Who are you? No really, who are you besides your title, your labels, your job, your family, your social circle, your groups, memberships, without any of these?

Your Words Are Powerful Tools Of Creation! A couple of months back, I met someone who was going through a rough phase in life. He had lost his job due to covid and because of this, he had no income to

The Butterfly Effect: Tiny Things Can Change The World At Large!“ It used to be thought that the events that changed the world were things like big bombs, maniac politicians, huge earthquakes, or vast population movements, but it has now