We Value Your Sentiments, Say It With A Bouquet-J.K. Florists


Express Your Sentiments With J.K. Florists Bouquets

BouquetYou Can Never Go Wrong With A Bouquet

Planning to propose or just wanting to thank the special someone? You can never go wrong with a bouquet! It will help express your sentiments & is perfect for every occasion. J.K. florists, your ultimate one stop shop for bouquets, arrangements and all sorts of decor. We do it fresh and perfect for your day to be special!!

BouquetJ.K. Florists have the best bouquets that are fresh, fragrant, beautiful & vibrant.

All Occasion Florists

We are your all occasion florists who specialise in the following:

Wedding Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers



Shop number 7B
Amani Plaza
3rd Parklands Avenue, Highridge.