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better relationship based on your star sign

This 2020 Have A Better Relationship Based On Your Star Sign

How To Better Your Relationship According To Your Star Sign, This 2020?

better relationship based on your star signNo relationship is perfect and there’s always a scope for improvement. This 2020 based on the star signs and on the qualities they possess, there are a few tips to focus on how to achieve a better relationship with their partner. Remember, every sign possesses a flaw that they can work on to make themselves better so they can give their best and help their romance and love grow stronger. Check out this fun article as we take you through the different Zodiac signs!

What Is Your Star Sign?: 

1. Aries (Born between 21st March & 19th April The best advice for Aries this 2020 is to think before you act. Aries are usually known to be impulsive and impatient and if things don’t go according to their way then they get agitated. They are aggressive and possess a competitive streak. Remember it’s not always about winning and being right ‘compromising’ is the key to your successful relationship this 2020. Also to avoid getting bored, make sure your relationship has some level of spiciness. Also, join a sport where you can channelise your energy rather than ruining your relationship.

2. Taurus (Born between 20th April & 20th May)- Taurus is an earth sign and Taureans are known to be sensual, touchy & stable when it comes to their relationships. However, they are extremely insecure and need a constant reminder from their partner for a sense of security and comfort. An advice to all Taureans this 2020 is to let go of the insecurities & go with the flow. Share your deep emotions with your lover and open up to them showing them your sensual side without worrying about what might happen.

3. Gemini (Born between May 21 & June 20th)- This air sign possess the quality of being inquisitive. They strive for an exciting life and things to do to keep their minds occupied! They are smart, witty but get bored and distracted easily and are portrayed as being inconsistent and superficial. Since you have the gift of the gab this 2020 put it to practice in your relationship. Practice honesty with your partner and remember it’s not always about having fun. Building a strong relationship with your partner is what you should be doing this 2020.

4. Cancer (Born between June 21st & July 22nd)- This sign is governed by the planet Mercury. They are emotional and tend to overreact emotionally. They tend to be very possessive & clingy in a relationship. The best advice this 2020 for you is to put your own needs first before you tend to your partner’s. Spend some alone time so that you don’t just end up being too clingy as well as you get to focus on yourself which will help better your relationship with your partner.

5. Leo (Born between July 23rd & August 22nd)- This fire sign is ruled by the Sun. Leos possess some amazing qualities such as fun, loving warm, with strong will power that make them extremely charismatic and most people turn to them for advice because of their strong character but they are also very vain and tend to be the centre of everything. This 2020 it’s therefore about time to put your partner’s needs before yours and focus on what they have to say for a better sense of balance in your relationship.

6. Virgo (Born between August 23rd & September 22nd)- This earth sign strives for perfection. They are good at following and keeping to a routine however this year you need to let loose. Stop stressing over life and enjoy life as it comes. It’s not always about being a perfectionist sometimes you need to let go and just relax. Go with the spontaneity and surprise your partner. This change will help your relationship grow deeper and stronger.

7. Libra (Born between September 23rd & 22nd October)- An air sign that loves all thing beautiful.  Tend to be charmers with grace and beauty who love a drama-free relationship. Because they dislike drama they tend not to speak up. This year be vocal, voice your thoughts to your partner it’s not always about pleasing others and healthy arguments should be encouraged once a while for a long-lasting relationship.

8. Scorpio (Born between October 23rd & 21st November)- A water sign that is extremely demanding and will use means of manipulation to get their way.  Because they are secretive they are easily misjudged and when the weaknesses are uncovered they tend to use attack as the best defensive mechanism. Be open and honest to your partner and share your feelings openly without any secrets or hesitance. Once you embrace this, you will not have to manipulate your partner and this, in turn, will help you bond strongly.

9. Saggitarius (Born between November 22nd & 21st December)- A fire sign that is open, honest, confident and optimistic which makes them socialites and approachable. Since you are honest and open it’s best you use this trait to develop the best relationship with your partner as you meet both yours and your partner’s needs.

10. Capricorn (Born between December 22nd & 19th January)- An earth sign that loves to be the boss. Capricorns tend to be extremely ambitious and believe they are always right. This year the advice to them is to loosen up. It’s not always about being right and you don’t have to be serious all the time. Remember a relationship is all about equality and balance and by focusing not just on yourself but also on your partner you can reach a better understanding. In arguments, come halfway and realise you don’t always have to be right. This will help grow your relationship stronger.

11. Aquarius (Born between January 20th & 18th February)- An air sign that loves to be independent. Aquarians are intelligent beings that tend to follow their rules making them extremely unpredictable and rebellious. The qualities they possess that are extremely demanding in a relationship is that they believe in equality, honesty, tolerance. However, they believe in making their own choices in life. An advice for you this 2020 is to learn to make decisions with your partner collaboratively. You possess all the qualities that make you a good partner but you need to also focus on yourself to shine and make your relationship even more fulfilling.

12. Pisces (Born between February 19th & 20th March)- A water sign that is extremely sensitive and emotional. They are compassionate and tend to focus on their partner’s needs more than their own. It’s good to be caring but this year focus on your needs too. For a balance in your relationship, you need to let your partner know about your needs and how you feel.


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