Tooth Sensitivity? – Ask Dr. Farooq Sorathia
What Is Tooth Sensitivity? Ever felt like having that gelato that everyone in town has been talking about, but the thought of that sharp sensitivity in your teeth with that first bite makes you cringe.
Gum Disease? – Ask Dr. Farooq Sorathia
What Is Gum Disease? Gingivitis commonly known as gum disease is the most common disease present in almost every human being. Some may have generalized gingivitis, while some may have localized gingivitis. It is classically characterized by bleeding gums around the
Dental Caries? – Ask Dr. Farooq Sorathia
What Is Dental Caries? Dental decay as we commonly know it is also known as 'dental caries'. It is the chemical breakdown of the tooth structure due to the action of acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria feed on