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Fever In Children- Causes Of High Fever In Children & When To Worry! Parents, especially first-time parents, get alarmed when their child has a fever. But when should parents really be worried and call the doctor? In order to answer

My Child Refuses To Eat: 10 Reasons Why & What You Can Do To Help! Parents always want to ensure that their child is eating a balanced diet and getting the right amount of nutrients from the food. However, as parents,

8 Toxic Parental Behaviours To Avoid! Toxic behaviour doesn't have to be the 'obvious' mistreatment or neglect of a child. There are also other behaviours that go unnoticed as toxic. These behaviours can have a long-lasting negative impact on children

Childhood Asthma- Childhood Asthma- What Every Parent Of A Child With Asthma, Needs To Know! Childhood asthma is an incurable condition in which certain triggers such as pollen or a common cold, can cause the airways and lungs to get inflamed.

Connecting With Your Child- How To Connect With Your Child & Its Importance! How many of us feel that we are disconnected in one way or another with our child? How many of us feel that the screen time has

Embracing The Wave Of Digitalization: 7 Tips On How To Prepare Yourself & Your Child For This New Digital World! The world as we knew yesterday is no longer the same! Ever since COVID-19 entered our world, everything has changed &