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The Healing Power Of Sunsets! “Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are; there cannot be one

The Alchemy Of Change - Transmute And finally, we move from that which is physical to that which is spirit. Transmutation The process of Transmutation begins with you taking charge of your inner world. Every mystical experience is individually tailored for your journey that

The Alchemy Of Change - Transcend Moving forward from the Transformation stage, by continuing to question our realities, we begin to gain a better understanding of our inner selves, the universe we live in, and our purpose in life.

The Alchemy Of Change! One of the things that I believe in, as an Energy Intuitive and Teacher, is the Alchemy of Change. As humans, we were not created to remain the same. We are an ever-evolving race and this means learning