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EGGS & CHICKS!!! - BIRD WATCHING - BY GARETH JONES Over the years we have enjoyed so many aspects of the Nairobi National Park, always with an air of expectation and anticipation mixed with the excitement of what could possibly be

Feathered Fluffballs Of Nairobi National Park Over the years, we have enjoyed many aspects of the Nairobi National Park, always with an air of expectation and anticipation mixed with the excitement of what could possibly be seen. There is something wonderfully

Mother's Tough Love Choice - Crowned Lapwing & Its Chicks In Nairobi National Park Several weeks ago, I noticed a bird sitting less than 2 metres from the road, it was a crowned lapwing. After stopping my vehicle for a

The Young Ones Of Nairobi National Park There is something, very special, about new life. In the wild, irrespective of if the particular young of the species is a herbivore or a predating carnivore, there is perhaps something “cute” when observing