All About Indian Classical Dances With Vishakha Shah

Indian Classical Dances

 All About Indian Classical Dances With Vishakha Shah- Master of Fine Arts & Master of Performing Arts

Indian classical dances depict a very rich cultural heritage of India. These incredible traditional dances originate during the ancient times dated back to the Indus Valley Civilization 5000b.c. 

Indian Classical Dance Forms

Indian Classical DancesFollowing are the different forms of classical dances in India:

Bharatanatyam – the oldest originating in Tamilnadu and known as the mother to all the others.
Kathak– originating from North India, dated back to the Mughal Empire.
Kathakali– originated in Kerala, the most elaborate dance drama presentation
Kuchipudi– originated from Andhra Pradesh, initially only men performed this but in time women have started performing it
Manipuri– originated in Manipur in the north-eastern region. Is pure and u get a spiritual experience.
Odissi– originated in Orissa known as the Bay of Bengal
Mohiniattam – originated in kerela performed mainly by the feminine gender with elaborate dance drama presentations

The expressions, intricacies, thoughtful movements and attractive costumes make these art forms very attractive.

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