Here’s How To Survive The January Heat With Sarah Nderi

Here's How To Survive The January Heat With Sarah Nderi

5 Skin Care Products for Surviving the January Heat – By Sarah Nderi

Summer is here in Kenya. The heat will be unforgiving, as we pull out our sandals, maxi dresses, and straw hats, let’s not forget to care for our skin.

Recent Discoveries:

1. Rosemary Water

I have recently made a new product which you’re going to love. Well, I recently discovered that rosemary water is a great toner and evens out the sin pH especially after a great facial scrub. I still have my rosemary water in my closet so I just pulled it right out and started using it. Plus Rosemary water is very cheap.

What you need;

  • Rosemary Water
  • Cotton Wool

Dab the cotton wool and massage your face after a facial scrub, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse. My face felt amazingly different after using rosemary water I must admit.

2. Olive oil

I mix olive oil with sugar, turmeric and lime water to make a good scrub. It works for my skin, it might not work for your skin. The key is to figure out what essential oil to use that your skin responds to. It’s also great to know your skin type, whether dry or oily skin.

3. African Black Soap

This is a must buy item for me this January. I have always heard about the amazing advantages of using black soap. If you are looking for places to buy black soap, I have been eyeing Karite Organics black soap. I saw this black soap at the annual East Africa Baby Banda event and I think it’s a must have product for 2019.

Benefits of Using Black Soap for your Skin:

  • Clear break outs.
  • Correct hyper pigmentation and dark spots.
  • Relieve and cure razor bumps

4. Moisturiser

My favourite moisturiser is called Physiogel. My dermatologist used to order them I think and it was a very awesome aqua based product for me when I had a horrid case of acne. If you have very horrid acne, see a dermatologist, I am very glad I did. After a series of treatments and this moisturiser, my acne reduced significantly and my break outs are now manageable.

I don’t use this product now and haven’t had for a long time but it was a life saver. Plus it has no scent which is a great plus for acne prone skin.

I was referred to this dermatologist by Bliss GVS Kenya in Nyeri and the dermatologist consulted at Kerugoya Hospital, the one in town, next to the market. You can use AoN insurance, NHIF and I think the police cover so it’s a plus. Don’t suffer from acne no more. I used AoN.

For a substitute, I want to try Karite’s Daily Care with Essential Oils Travel Size and see how my skin takes to it.

For now, My routine is scrubbing once in two days with my homemade olive oil+lime juice+sugar+turmeric. Olive oil helps in reducing the harshness of rough sugar particles.

5. Sunscreen

It’s easy not to factor in sunscreen because, well hello melanin! I get sun burns around the neck and above the shoulders and I never notice until it turns wrinkly and hurts when I shower.

Take 5: Being dark doesn’t mean you’re protected against sunscreen. Harsh sun effects will leave you dehydrated, aging faster, tired skin and with cancer at worst. Invest in a good heat protector.

I would recommend this Mary Kay original sunscreen for the heat that awaits. Sunscreen and moisturisers are such a good combo for skin care during summer. Order from Jumia or try looking one from a Pharmacy.

What is your routine currently and what are you hoping to achieve in 2019? Let me know in the comments ?




SARAH NDERI – Fashion & Beauty Blogger