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cows & cats

Cows & Cats – Article by Gareth Jones


As we arrived at the dam next to no 9 Junction, a massive herd of buffalo could be seen spread out wide from the dam across the valley. There were so many cows with young calves. Seeing them looking so placid as they grazed on the lush grasses gave us an almost bovine dine domestic impression of the many cows. However the reality is far from that, African buffalo are a force to be reckoned with especially when facing big cats.

We were just about to drive onwards when suddenly the shapes of 2 lionesses on the ridge above the dam were visible, they sat very still as they watched the buffalo herd. After a few minutes of sitting quietly, suddenly more than 50 buffalo began to charge towards the lionesses. The grass was very long, but we actually saw another 2 big cats bolt out of their hiding places and run. Then in a flash, one of the lionesses turned and charged towards the buffalo herd. The buffalo panicked and turned back for a brief moment, then in a few seconds, the herd seemed to realise that their strength in numbers far outweighed the threat of the lions. The buffalo boldly turned back again and advanced more aggressively towards the 4 lionesses, this time chasing them over the ridge and into the distant acacia shrubland.

Buffalo can be very dangerous when provoked. In the Nairobi Park, buffalo are at times hunted by lions, however, due to the fact that there are not many large pride in the park, buffalo lion kills are not often seen. The battle for survival between the “cows & cats” has been going on for thousands of years. Sometimes the cats win a kill, but on many occasions, the cows win, especially when their bulls support them and the herd forms a defensive cluster.

I remember an incident a few years ago involving 2 lions known as Mohawk & Sam. Late one afternoon I found them next to the road near No 6 Junction. I sat watching them for a while as the light began to fade for another Ngong hills sunset. Then I looked ahead and saw a rapidly advancing large herd of buffalo. The buffalo seemed to just be on the move, however, the lions were directly in their path. Both lions waited a while longer, possibly hoping the buffalo would turn and move away. Instead, the leading buffalo bulls suddenly stopped and smelled the air. After a few seconds, they resumed their advance, as they accelerated into a full charge towards the lions. Mohawk and Sam were forced to make a humble and hurried retreat.

So try something different, visit the Nairobi National Park, and find a buffalo herd, then approach carefully, and enjoy God’s creation close up.


cows & catsGareth Jones – Nairobi Park Dairy – A passionate writer & photographer