Cool Summer Date Styles! H&S Fashion Tips For Him & Her

Summer date

Cool Summer Date Styles For The Daytime & Evening By H&S Fashion Guide

Summer is here and and you are wondering how to embrace this summer with open arms & what to wear on your hot date? Read on to find out how to look beautiful and dapper as couple on your summer date!

Summer dateLook Number 1 Our Look For The Romantic Evening: Floral Prints for the Ladies & Pin Stripes for the Man

This is one of our favourite looks for a couple! Ladies you can wear a nice pastel, floral print maxi dress and men you can complement this with your pinstriped polo shirt & light coloured chino pants. Pastel & light colours don’t absorb a lot of heat & it’s not just cooling to your body but also to your eyes! For the footwear wear heels that are comfortable & open as they air your feet ladies! Men, you can complement your look with a pair of smart sneakers! It’s no ordinary night people & why should it be different if it’s summer? On your date night you want to look perfect as a couple so put on your nice watches. Ladies you can wear a nice bracelet on one hand- don’t overdo it with accessories, remember less is more!

Look Number 2 Our Fave Daytime Look: Polka Dots for the Ladies & White for the Man

Remember the Julia Roberts look in Pretty Woman? Well ladies we all remember how pretty polka dots looked since then. You don’t necessary have to wear the same colours, you can wear red and white or black white polka dots. Pick a combination that you love! Men just wear your khakis with a long sleeved cotton shirt: roll up your sleeves and leave the neck button open, you can leave up to a couple open, just make sure you aren’t revealing too much of your chest! For the ladies wear a nice pair of matching sandals & men wear a nice pair of loafers to complete your look. Accessorise by draping long strand of pears around your neck ladies & men put on your stylish watch to rock your look!


TIP: Remember it’s not about matching as a couple but wearing outfits that complement each other!




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