A Bridal Bloom Like No Other With J.K. Florist

A Bridal Bloom Like No Other With J.K. Florist

Find Your Perfect Bouquet With J.K. Florist

Bridal Bouquet

Your wedding day is a celebration of love, and every detail should reflect your unique style, especially the bridal bouquet. At J.K. Florist, we craft exquisite bouquets tailored to your dream day, from vibrant bursts of colour to timeless classic whites.

🌸Vibrant and Bold

For the bride who loves to stand out, consider bouquets brimming with bright roses, peonies, and tulips in shades of fiery red, sunshine yellow, and rich magenta. These dynamic blooms add personality and energy to your walk down the aisle.

🌿Rustic Charm

For outdoor or Bohemian weddings, earthy tones paired with soft pastels and wildflowers create a whimsical touch. Add a splash of eucalyptus or lavender for that natural fragrance and charm.

🤍Classic Whites

The epitome of elegance, white roses, lilies, and orchids paired with lush greenery embody sophistication. Perfect for a modern or traditional bride, these bouquets let your love take centre stage.

🌼Romantic Pastels

Soft blushes, delicate creams, and gentle lavenders create a fairytale feel. These bouquets are ideal for intimate weddings or those with a romantic vintage theme.


Whatever your vision, J.K. Florist is here to bring it to life. Let us help you carry the perfect symbol of your love story.

All Occasion Florists

We specialise in the following:

Weddings Bouquets │ Parties │ Arrangements │ Hall Decorations │ Fresh Flowers │ Dry Flowers

Some Bouquet Samples Are Displayed Below:


Shop number 7B
Amani Plaza
3rd Parklands Avenue, Highridge.

Bouquets come in various sizes, small or big depends on what you want. Spend above 2500 on any and get a 10 per cent discount

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