Your Power Color – Positive Reflection Of The Week

Your Power Color

The Power Of Color : Your Power Color

So, now that we have a better understanding of colors and the influence color has in our daily life, let’s do this short exercise to discover our POWER color.

Colors have both positive and negative characteristics and the use of color is limitless. Choosing a certain color to wear, or painting the interiors of your house in a certain color, conveys how you are feeling at any given time. By knowing your power color you can add a whole array of new and exciting colors to those that you already love.

Color and Numerology:

According to studies, every color has a value. Here is a basic list of Colors and their corresponding values:

Red=1, Orange=2, Yellow=3, Green=4, Blue=5, Indigo=6, Violet=7, Silver=8, Gold=9.

Now, just like colors have a number, letters also correspond to a number. Here is a list of values based on the theorem of Pythagoras:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

To calculate your Power Color, add the value of each letter in your name and reduce it to a single number. For instance, my name is Alia Datoo hence the values that correspond to my name are: 1+3+9+1+4+1+2+6+6 = 33. If you add 3 + 3 you get 6. According to this, my Power Color is Indigo.

Below is an overview of the meaning of each of the colors:
Red: Red is the core of life. Red is the colour of strength, physical energy and determination. Wear red for courage in the face of opposition and for change during difficult circumstances.

Orange: Orange is the colour of the sun and abundance. It is the colour of fertility, health and joy. Orange is an excellent colour to use during rituals to make a project succeed or to attract happiness. Staying vibrant.

Yellow: Yellow is the colour of the mind and communication. But also the colour of jealousy. Yellow provides intellectual success and can be used while studying and travelling. Use yellow if you’re moving or want to move. Ideal for protection and attracting success.

Green: Green is the colour of the heart. The colour of love and emotions. Green is excellent for finding new love and following your heart. Also for prosperity and renewal. Stimulate fertility.

Blue: Blue is the healing colour of the soul and represents wisdom, trust, hope, inner peace, strength and idealism and justice. Blue is suitable for meditation, healing, cleansing and a good career.

Indigo/Purple/Violet: The colour of the kings, emperors, gods and priests. Connection with higher dimensions and inspiration in general. Wear this colour if you want to grow spiritually. Also for the development of your intuition and inner wisdom.

Silver: Silver is the colour of the moon. This colour represents dreams, vision and the desire for fulfilment of things other than materials objects. Visions, insights and secret wishes belong to silver.

Gold: Gold means success, prosperity and acknowledgement. It also represents money, long life and ambitions. Wear gold to realise dreams. Gold protects against negative forces.

There are many uses of Power Colors. You can include shades of your Power Color in your wardrobe, decorate your home with the Color, wear a piece of jewellery that represents your Power Color. Most importantly, no matter what color you wear or choose to surround yourself with, make sure you tune into the vibration of that color and feel it’s energy.

So, what did you get as your Power Color?

your power colorAlia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach