Yoga For Strength Building

Yoga for strength building

4 Yoga Poses For Strength Building By Pooja Doshi

Dolphin Plank Poseyoga for strength building

This is a modified Plank Pose. Dolphin Plank Pose strengthens and tones the core, thighs, and arms. Lie on your stomach, pressing your forearms and elbows against the floor. Make sure your shoulder blades are away from the spine and against your back. Inhale and lift your body up towards the ceiling making sure you tighten your core and lengthen your tailbone towards the floor. Look straight down towards the floor as your elbows rest at 90 degrees. Stay in this posture from 30 seconds to 1 minute. Release gently with your knees to the floor as you exhale.

 This posture strengthens the arms, legs and core.
 It also stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, arches, and calves.
 It helps relieves stress, helps with mild depression and helps prevent osteoporosis

Upward Plank Pose: Purvottanasayoga for strength building

Sit in Dandasana, with your hands behind your hips and your fingers pointing forward. Slowly bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor, legs stretched out with big toes facing inwards. Exhale and press your hands down against the floor, and lift your hips tightening your core until you come into a reverse tabletop position. Your posture should be parallel to the floor. Keep lifting your hips higher, and lift your chest up whilst doing this. Get comfortable into the posture and slowly drop your head back. Stay in this posture for 30 seconds then exhale and get back into Dandasana as you relax.

 This posture strengthens the arms, wrists and legs.
 It also stretches the shoulders, chest, and ankles.

Side Plank Pose:

Lie down on your back shifting your weight slowly to the right side. Shift onto the outside edge of your left foot, and stack your right foot on top of the left. Rest your left hand onto your left hip, turn your torso to the left as you do, and support the weight of your body on the outer right foot and right hand. Make sure that the supporting hand is not directly below the shoulder; position the hand slightly in front of its shoulder, so the supporting arm is angled to the floor. Gently straighten the arm by firming the triceps muscle, and press the base of the index finger firmly against the floor. Straighten the thighs, and press through the heels toward the floor. Straighten your entire body diagonally from your feet all the way to the crown. You could also stretch out the palm that is resting on your hip and keep in parallel to your shoulders. Stay in this position for 15 to 30 seconds and come back to lying on your back into Svanasana. Relax take a few breaths, and repeat on the left side for the same length of time.

 This posture strengthens the wrists, arms, the core and legs.
 It also stretches the backs of the legs.
 This also improves your sense of balance.

Four-Limbed Staff Pose: Chaturanga Dandasana

Start with getting into the downward facing dog and then slowly get into the plank. Make sure your shoulder blades against your back ribs and press your tailbone inwards. With an exhalation slowly lower your torso and legs making sure they are a few inches above and parallel to the floor. Make sure you position yourself in such a way that the tailbone is firmly placed. The shoulders should be widely spaced out, making sure the elbows are tucked in towards the sides of the chest. Press your palms into the floor and head facing the front. Inhale and stay in this position from 15 to 30 seconds and exhale as you release slowly. You can rest in this position or come back to resting on your back.

 This posture strengthens the arms and wrists and tightens the core muscles.

Yoga For Strength building

breathing techniques

Pooja Doshi – Yoga & Zumba Practioner

Don’t forget to try out these three breathing techniques daily as they will help strengthen your lungs