Yoga For Expectant Mums- Happy Mother’s Day!

easy yoga pose

Sukhasana-Easy Yoga Pose For Expectant Mothers

Sukhasana or the easy yoga pose is a relaxing pose for all expectant mums! We all are aware that during pregnancy mothers undergo a lot of stress & discomfort & the back bears most of the runt! This yoga posture is for sure to relieve the stress and help alleviate that back pain!


1. While sitting comfortably, cross your legs so that your knees are wide apart whilst your shins are crossed & your feet placed under each knee. (make sure your knees are bent and legs tucked into your torso, feet relaxed- a triangle shape will be formed by your crossed shins & thighs if you look down. Also make sure the pelvis is in a neutral position and back is balanced i.e. tailbone & pubic bone are at equal distance from the floor).

2. Now place your palms either stacked up on your lap or on your knees- facing up or down.

3. Making sure your lower back isn’t arched, firm up your shoulders.

4. Sit in this position comfortably for as long as you like (make sure you alternate the crossing of legs).

NOTE: To add more comfort while performing this pose add a stack of cushions or blankets under your buttocks and even under your knees. Also consult your doctor before trying this pose.

Benefits of Sukhasana

This yoga technique has the following benefits:

1. It reduces stress & anxiety.
2. It strengthens the back.
3. It helps increase the strength & flexibility of the muscles used in childbirth.
4. It helps improve sleep.

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*Video Credits: Yoga With Adriene