When To Walk Away From A Relationship? – H&S Love Affair

walk away from a relationship

Know When To Walk Away From A Relationship: 5 Signs To Help You Leave!

walk away from a relationship

Being in a relationship can be extremely rewarding especially when you are in a relationship with someone who loves you and puts you on a pedestal. That feeling of being someone’s better-half is absolutely amazing beyond words. However, unfortunately, not all relationships are the same! If you are clinging onto a relationship for the reasons that it sounds & seems too good to be true, then the truth probably is that the relationship isn’t as it seems. You see, you will have no doubts if you are in a relationship where your partner respects and loves you for who you are. Now, of course, a few compromises are a must as both individuals have a little bit of give-and-take to do to help make the relationship/bond grow stronger. But if the relationship requires an individual to completely change themselves to suit their partner, then that’s more or less being dictated and honestly who in the right mind would want to change themselves completely just to be with someone. Unless & until the change is for the betterment of that person, for example, giving up on excessive drinking. Losing one’s identity shouldn’t be relatable to a compromise & the individual being asked to change themselves completely should realise that their partner should love and respect them for who they are! If a relationship is toxic that is physically or emotionally damaging to an individual, then walking away is a no-brainer! However, it can be difficult to assess at times as to when a relationship is tipping towards toxicity especially when one is blinded by love. Many a time, it’s not as clear as to when you need to walk away, especially when you are in love with the idea of being in love. Here are some signs to help you realise when you should walk away from a relationship!

5 Signs To Help You Walk Away From A Relationship:

1. You Are Being Abused- Physical abuse is a huge red flag! As mentioned earlier if you are in an abusive relationship then walking away is a no-brainer! Remember you look at your partner as your protector and if the so-called protector starts inflicting harm upon you then it’s time to walk out! Being in a healthy relationship is one in which your partner cares, respects and loves you not one where he/she hits you! By rule never ever give your partner a second chance if they are abusive be it a woman or a man! Verbal abuse is one where your partner uses words to emotionally abuse you. This is equally worse if not more so than physical abuse. Emotional scars remain forever and healing can be extremely difficult, especially if your partner keeps doing it over and over again. Know when to draw the line and walk out!

2. You Are With An Addict- Whatever kind of addiction your partner has whether it’s alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex etc. addiction is a problem. If your partner refuses to change his/her habits sooner or later, if not already, this will become a cause of conflict and maybe even violence. It’s better to walk away now before it gets too late. Sometimes leaving may make the addict realise his/her mistakes.

3. You Are With A Liar Or A Cheater- You wonder which one is worse lying or cheating! Both are equally bad. Remember a great relationship is based on trust. If there are constant deception & lies then sooner or later someone is going to be badly hurt. Cheating is also unacceptable! The rule of the thumb is once a cheater always a cheater! It’s best to save yourself the heartache and leave before it gets worse!

4. You’re Not Happy- Yes, love is all about compromising but it should never be at the cost of one’s self-respect or happiness! For example, leaving the people you love hanging with, or things you love and enjoy that make you who you are, are unnecessary and emotionally taxing. If a person loves you he/she should accept you fully, for who you are. Your friends, hobbies, etc. are a part of you and have helped make you who you are. Unless and until your friends are bad company or your hobbies are life-threatening there should be no reason why your partner should cut you off from all that you enjoy. This is a deterrent to your happiness and guess what it’s better to say goodbye and never look back because sooner or later the relationship will be over!

5. You Find Sex A Mundane Chore- Sex shouldn’t ever be a boring task! It is the basis for building intimacy with your partner and if you are just not into it anymore, then it’s time to walk out!




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