What Would You Like Your 2024 To Look Like? (Part 3) – Positive Reflection Of The Week

What Would You Like Your 2024 To Look Like (Part 3) - Positive Reflection Of The Week

Soul Setting – Illuminating The Path Within

We transcend the material and dive into the essence of our desires in the realms of soul setting. It is a process of aligning with the soul’s purpose and allowing our manifestations to be a genuine expression of our truest selves. We embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-actualization when we engage in soul setting. We can unlock a profound sense of fulfilment and joy in our lives by tapping into our deepest desires and aligning them with our soul’s purpose. This transformative process enables us to manifest our dreams and aspirations in a way that is authentic and true to our core selves.

Sit in silence, allowing the silence to reveal your soul’s longings. What makes you happy? What lights the inner fire? In soul setting, you’re not just chasing goals; you’re aligning with a purpose that speaks to the very core of your being. The desires of your soul are the compass that will lead you to a year of fulfilment and authenticity.

Connecting with Your Soul: Your soul, the eternal flame within, carries the wisdom of countless lifetimes. Take some quiet time to connect with your soul. What passions fuel its flame? What gives you great joy and fulfilment? You discover the purest essence of your desires, untainted by external expectations, as you delve into the depths of your soul.

Harmony with Your True Self: Soul setting entails aligning your intentions with your true self’s harmonious rhythm. Consider each intention to be a note in your life’s melody. Do they match the genuine cadence of your being? If any intention feels discordant, reevaluate its origin and adjust until it is in perfect harmony with the song of your soul.

We will look at the final part of Soul Setting in our article next week. Stay tuned.

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What Would You Like Your 2024 To Look Like? (Part 3) - Positive Reflection Of The Week
Dr. Alia Datoo
PhD Metaphysics, Energy Alchemist

While this article discusses practices considered impermissible (haram) in Islam, the content is purely informational. We urge our readers to make decisions in accordance with their faith and beliefs.