What To Do In The Event Of A Terrorist Attack? – By H&S Magazine Kenya

What To Do In The Event Of A Terrorist Attack? - By H&S Magazine Kenya

What Can Be Done In The Event Of A Terrorist Attack? – By H&S Magazine Kenya

Terrorist attacks globally are not unusual and what happened in Nairobi on the 15th of January 2019 was unexpected & unfortunate for which H&S Magazine Kenya on behalf of it’s team extends sincere condolences to the families of the deceased. May the departed souls rest in eternal peace. We also wish to extend our gratitude to the government, soldiers, policemen & women, rescuers, fire fighters, medical teams, individuals who worked hard putting their lives in danger to help in any way possible to save the lives of so many; a commendable job. Even in such a disastrous situation we came out stronger as one, not letting our enemies defeat us in any way. Kudos to everyone who did their part to help save a life. A request to all the healthy youngsters out there- Donate Blood to help the victims. Uber has been generous and has offered 2 free rides to the Avenue, M.P. Shah, Aga Khan & Kenyatta Hospitals so you don’t have to go out of way. Just enter the code NBDONATE to avail the free rides.

This Article is dedicated to everyone involved in the ghastly attack and we hope in the near future if anyone reading this ever has to face such a situation in any part of the world, at least has some basic knowledge of what can be done to save not just their’s but other’s lives.

So coming back to the question: what can one do in the event of a terrorist attack?

1. Stay as ‘Calm’ as possible & don’t panic- This is the first thing anyone should do! Embrace your nerves, because if you are not calm you won’t be able to think. Remember fear is just an emotion caused by the presence of threat of danger, pain or harm. As hard as this sounds it is very important to stay calm and composed. It is only once you are calm and composed you will be able to think straight & remain alert and this will help save not just you but as well as many others in the same situation.

2. Get to safety- locate the danger, using your ears & eyes & move away as quickly & quietly out of the area. If you are wearing shoes especially for women wearing heels it is better to remove them and run bare feet as you won’t be making noise, you don’t want to be slowed down & you definitely don’t want to get a sprain or hurt your ankle/foot whilst running. Remember to mute your mobiles- the ring tone & vibrating mode should be off- so that in case it rings, it won’t be heard by the attackers. Get rid off any objects you think would make any sounds, such as bangles. Remember: you don’t want to be heard.

3. If you can’t escape from that place of danger then ‘Hide’- if for e.g. you are in an office and there is a room with a door- get inside, lock yourself and others inside as quickly as possible and block the entryway with a heavy object such as a couch, table or a filing cabinet. Stay away from windows, doors & opt to hide behind walls, pillars anything that is solid.

4. If you are given the chance to help others then do so- Help as many people as you can to get to safety but remember assess the situation as there is no point putting yourself in danger; risking your life plus the person in danger.

5. Alert others- Anyone trying to enter the place of danger alert them of the terrorist attack and and prevent them from entering the danger zone.

6. When exiting towards security forces/police keep your hands up & open in the air- Keeping your hands up and out helps the security forces/police eliminate you as the terrorist.

7. Follow orders of security forces- Keep in mind that security forces are specifically trained to handle situations like this. Follow the orders of security forces and do exactly as they say at all times during the terrorist attack.

8. It is always a good idea to have security/emergency numbers saved on your mobile- No one anticipates a terrorist attack but God forbid when stuck in a situation like this and looking for help having security/emergency numbers can help save your life as you can text your location & help locate the attackers as well.

9. Avoid calling friends, family etc. & keep away from social media- There are 2 reasons to refrain from calling as well as using social media 1. You don’t want the attackers to know your location. 2. You don’t want to give any attention or reaction to the attackers. Remember most of them want their 2 minute fame and the purpose of their attack is to cause terror and fear.

For families, friends of people who are stuck in a terrorist attack this is what you should do:

1. Stay Calm- Remember you freaking out, worrying etc. is not going to help change the situation.

2. Don’t call the person- If you are anxious to find out if they are okay whatsapp or message and wait for them to reach you. Many a times we call and this is the worst thing you could do. You alert the attackers of the location and risk the person further.

3. Stay away from Social Media- As much as you are tempted to tweet about what happened to your friend/family member/colleague or tempted to write that facebook/instagram post please avoid this- It’s a trap. Remember attackers have their eyes and ears everywhere and by posting/tweeting you are giving them exactly what they want: a lead + unnecessary fame.

4. Be comforting- When you do see your friend/family member/colleague return to safety do not bombard them with questions like what happened? etc etc. Keep in mind the person has been through a disturbing incident and recalling the incident is not going to help. What you should do is comfort them and tell them it is good to see them safe. Encourage them to talk to a trained counsellor or psychiatrist as it is always good to see one to avoid PTSD- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The specialist will evaluate how fragile the individual is and work on them to help them overcome the situation.


Some Emergency Numbers:

Kenya Police Hotlines: 999/911/112

Fire and Ambulance Services: 999

Red Cross Emergency Toll Free Hotline: 1199