Wedding Fitness Plan: Getting Fit & Toned! H&S Magazine Kenya

getting fit & toned

How To Get Fit & Toned For Your Big Day With 6 Exercises Only!

Are you getting married? Looking for the last minute easy workout routine that can help you shed a few pounds and get you into shape, fit & toned for your big day? Whether it’s to look hot and dapper in a tuxedo or whether it’s to look gorgeous in your white dress with toned abs, arms and firm buttocks, nothing beats this routine! Check out the 6 easy exercises that you can incorporate daily to get fit & toned!

1. Begin With Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks gets the heart racing and is a fun exercise. All you need to do is stand tall with your feet and arms above the head and jump then as you land put your feet together & hands by the side then repeat! Women can do about 10 jumping jacks in sets of 2 or 3 & men 20 or more.

2. Get Into Jumping Squats

Jumping as discussed in the last article help you get a firm butt and tones your legs as well as abs. All you need to do is stand tall with your feet apart,  squat and then jump then land into a squat position again! Women can do about 15-20 jumping squats in sets of 2 or 3. Men can do sets of 4 or 5 with dumbbells.

3. Next Up: Mountain Climbers

This is another great workout for the arms, abs and legs. All you need to do is get on the floor into a plank position where your weight is supported by hands and toes & back straight. Alternate leg movements by bringing the knee into the chest. Make sure back is straight and tummy isn’t with your feet apart,  squat and then jump then land into a squat position again! You can do about 10-15 if you are a woman and about 20-15 if you are a man then slowly build this up!

4. Rest It Up With A Plank Hold!

Planks are great as it not only strengthens your core muscles but also works on your glutes, shoulders as well as back muscles, by making sure you are not putting too much pressure on your spine or hips. All you need to do is get down on the floor (face-down prone position), keeping your legs straight but slightly apart. Then raise your body resting on your forearms (making sure your elbows form a straight line with your shoulders), keeping your legs straight but slightly apart, with your feet flexed with the bottoms of your toes on the floor. Stay in this position for as long as you can. For starters, you can try 10-15 second hold then build it up to a min or more.

5. Dive In To Do The Push-ups!

Push-ups are a full-body workout that works out all muscles in the body and helps burn calories & toning up the body. Whilst on the floor keep elbows at 45-degree angle near your chest, palms down, feet together with toes curled up and weight on the chest. Then raise your body or press up using your arms with weight now supported by your palms and balls of your feet & bringing your torso, chest & thighs off the ground together, keeping your abs tightened & making sure the body is parallel to the ground. Lower the body, coming down to the ground together making sure your chest touches the ground, which completes 1 rep. You can start with 3 sets of 10-15 rounds if you are a woman & 3 sets of 20-25 rounds if you are a man & can slowly build this up!

6. Finally Flip Over: To End With The Crunches!

Abdominal crunches are the perfect workout to help get those toned ‘dream abs’. You can start by lying on your back with knees bent but feet apart flat on the ground. With hands behind your head pull your abs inward and lift off the floor until your body touches the knee then hold this position for a few seconds and lower down to start position. Women can repeat this exercise 20 times and men can do about 30-40.


Start at least 4-6 weeks before the big day to see the difference however the longer you work out for, the more desired the results will be. Always keep yourself hydrated and eat a healthy balanced diet! Water and veggies are great for the skin and also help on your journey for your desired body for the big day! Avoid too many carbs and sugar but that doesn’t mean you can’t have any!