Vision Boarding – By Michelle Arscott

vision boarding

Vision Boarding: Manifest Your Dreams- Written By Michelle Arscott

vision board‘Believe you will deserve it and the universe will serve it’

It almost sounds like magic. The fact is, it’s not. But if you believe in your dreams, put your beliefs into action, and manifest what you want, then your dreams can come true. There are thousands of individuals who can testify to this, from famous people like Oprah Winfrey and Barak Obama, to regular guys like Bonnie Kim, who believed he could, and did, shown by his amazing climb from a cleaner to an international motivational speaker and multi-published book author.
What can support you to manifest and achieve? Very simply, create a vision board. This article will explore how to create a simple vision board, and some of the steps you can take to make it a powerful and effective tool.

1 What Do You Want In Your Future? Try These Exercises:
If you look to the past, there are many clues that can guide you as to what you want for your future. To trigger your memory, look at photos or listen to songs from your past. Focus on happy times, experiences, and lessons learned. This will help you to decide what you really want going forward.

Think of a time when you felt a sense of achievement.
What were you doing? Imagine stepping back into your body at that time and looking through your eyes. What were you seeing? Imagine listening. What were the sounds around you, what was the voice in your head saying? Now tap into your heart space. What were you feeling at the time? What clue is your past telling you about the future you want?

Fast forward to your memorial. What would you like people to say about you at your funeral? Write down the memorial speech. Once you have written the words, think about the actions, beliefs, and thoughts that you need to have now and in the future to live up to the memorial speech.

2 Create Your Vision Board
Once you have decided on your future aspirations, design your vision board. Start by creating a calm and relaxing atmosphere, maybe play some soothing music. Get a large piece of paper, markers, scissors, and glue. Flick through old magazines and see if there are any pictures, words, or slogans that capture your future aspirations. Don’t forget to also capture the feelings that your future vision evokes and the beliefs that will support you with your vision. You can add photos, post-cards and inspiring quotes. Anything that helps capture your dreams.

For those who love technology, there are vision board apps. However, there is nothing quite like having that physical hands-on experience as you cut and paste your dreams onto paper. Once your vision board is finished, put it on display in a visible spot to motivate and remind you of your exciting future. You could also take a photo of your vision board, and stick it on your fridge or mirror, or have it as a screen saver on your phone.

As an alternative to a vision board, you could also make a future box or a vision book. Maybe you want to create a vision board with your partner or your family for a group vision. Do whatever is going to motivate and inspire you.

3 Thoughts And Beliefs Into Action
The most important step of the vision board process is to think of the actions that you want to take in order to achieve your dream.

On a scale of 1-10 where are you currently in achieving your dreams, (10 being you have, and 1 you haven’t)? What actions can you take in the next week, fortnight, month, or year to move you closer to a 10?

Also, think about what you want to Stop, Start, and Continue doing in your life to honour your vision and epitaph. Ensure that the actions you decide to take are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Remember that your vision board is evolving. You can review, modify, and even change it as your self-awareness deepens. You are constantly evolving too, on your personal journey of transformation. Enjoy the fun vision board process as you manifest your future success. You are the driver of your own life and have the power to create your future happiness – with the correct mindset!

Happy Vision Boarding!

vision boarding

Michelle Arscott – The International Adult & Kids Life Coach

BSc (Econ) Psychology & Sociology
PGCE Education
ILM certified Coach
Kids Life Studio Certified Coach

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Vision boarding