Unconditional Love: 6 Secrets To Loving Your Child Unconditionally!
Unconditional love means loving your child every day in the bad and good times, i.e. loving your child no matter what, without any reservations or conditions & without expecting anything in return. In one of the articles ‘Parenting With Love’, it talked about the importance of love towards a child. This article focuses on the secrets of unconditionally loving your child.
Children are delicate flowers that bloom when cared for with love. However, unconditional love is loving your child even when you are frustrated with your child’s behaviour. As parents, this can be a little difficult to achieve, as even parents have their limits. However, here are 6 secrets on how to unconditionally love your child!
1. Accept & Appreciate Your Child Completely- Let’s face it, no one is perfect, and every child has a certain trait that can be a little challenging to manage. As a parent, it’s important to accept the ‘flaws’ or ‘weaknesses’ your child may possess and work on them. For instance, if your child is stubborn, take it as your child is persistent and knows what he/she wants but also teach your child how to manage that trait and not be in control of it.
2. Empathize With Your Child, Without Endorsing Their Behaviour- Your child may throw temper tantrums, get angry and so on so forth. You need to understand what is the cause of the behaviour. This doesn’t mean you are endorsing their behaviour, of course, you must address it when the time is right, but in that moment, be empathetic and let them know you are there for them.
3. Have Your Emotions In Check- Getting angry, yelling at your child is not necessary. Yes, children misbehave and it can be upsetting. However, your anger isn’t going to teach your child the lesson you want him/her to learn. Be calm, as getting angry is sending the wrong message to your child that they are bad and can never be good enough. Always, always love your child even when they’re upset.
4. Set Healthy Boundaries- Unconditional love doesn’t mean loving without boundaries. Without healthy limits and boundaries, it gets difficult to manage your child. This doesn’t involve unhealthy motivators such as fears, punishment etc. These limits should focus on meeting your child’s vital primary needs for safety & security.
5. Be Forgiving- As mentioned, your child will make mistakes as they’re learning. It’s important to understand mistakes and missteps are opportunities that can be used to help them be better learners. Let them know that it’s okay to err, but teach them how to rectify those mistakes, so they can be better humans.
6. Show Them Unconditional Love In Their Preferred ‘Love’ Language- Physical touch plays a huge role when communicating unconditional love to your child, however, it depends on what your child wants and not what you want. For example, you may want to kiss your child, but your child may not like being kissed and prefer hugs. Don’t get carried away, inhibit your desires, and focus on what your child perceives as love.

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