Treat Her Right! – H&S Love Affair

treat her right

Treat Her Right: Treat Her Like A Lady!

treat her right
There is no perfect way to treat a woman ‘right’, as no two women are alike, & you, and only you, can truly know the way to her heart. Many women still struggle to be heard, valued and feel validated, and it takes a real man to prove that all this is not just possible but well deserved. As International Women’s Day is around the corner, what better gift than treating her right? Below are some tips on how you can step up your game and honour & treat her the way she deserves to be treated!

7 Ways To Treat Her Right:

1. Guide Her, Don’t Control Her- No woman wants to be controlled. But what a true lady really loves, is for her man to reassure her and lead her with confidence. Let her make her own decisions, don’t dictate her life.

2. Be A Thorough Gentleman- Be it at home or outside, always be a gentleman. Basic manners such as opening doors, lending a helping hand etc that most people refer to as ‘chivalry’ is common courtesy and politeness.

3. Challenge Her, Not Change Her- No woman wants to be changed, but women do love to be challenged now and then. Don’t always do things predictably. Have wild ideas and deep conversations that will emotionally and mentally challenge her and help grow your relationship.

4. Be A Man Not A Yes-Man- Be willing to say no. Being a yes-man shows weakness, and no woman wants a weak man. Saying no means you know and respect your boundaries. Allow her to do the same.

5. Treat Her As Your Equal- Every woman expects to be treated equally. Include her in your goals, decisions, discussions and all other matters. She, too, wants to be heard and have a say. You can both reach a mutual agreement, but at least involving her when it comes to making decisions, such as buying a home or investments, is what makes a woman feel equal.

6. Compliment Her Wisely- Stop throwing compliments that sound meaningless. Save them & use them for the right time. She has had a promotion, of course a compliment is due. But telling her she looks pretty in 10 different ways sounds too cheesy! Make it count!

7. Stand Up For Her- This doesn’t mean getting into fist fights for your lady, but if someone speaks ill of her or tries to put her down, be a man and speak up. If, on the other hand, she is in the wrong, privately talk to her, rather than publicly calling her out!




IWD 2022, International Women’s Day 2o22

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