The Transition From An Infant To A Toddler! – By Bilkis Bhandwalkar

transition from infant

Understanding The Transition From An Infant To A Toddler!! – Written by Bilkis Bhandwalkar

Growth is a natural phenomenon and so like all living things… the infant starts using his limbs to toss and turn to emerge as a toddler!

This physical agility compliments his mental ability…it is at this stage the parents must remember his needs…. needs…. the 3 C’s, Cry…Cuddle…Comfort!

THE CRY…This is the expression of his needs and fears. The baby will cry when hungry or in discomfort or out of fear.

transition from infant

THE CUDDLE…This assures your child of being in safe haven…a sense of safety & security.

transition from infant
THE COMFORT…The comfort that the child gets from the parents in terms of physical/emotional well-being ….helps him to build trust …and the baby does not suffer from craving attention(ADS).

transition from infant

Remember…A happy & healthy child is an outcome of a happy & secured house(parenting).



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