TNR Trust: Silver Needs Your Help!
Hi, My name is Silver, and I am about 2 years old. I live in Zambezi, where a generous and loving family has been taking care of me. I love them dearly for looking after me, but unfortunately, I haven’t had any of my vaccinations or deworming done because my family can’t afford to get me the necessary vet care.
I am in dire need of your help; you see shortly after giving birth I developed TVT; Transmissible Venereal Tumour, a cancer spread by mating. It has really taken a toll on me, I have very low energy and toilet needs are very painful, so I try to postpone passing stool or urine as long as possible. I am in constant pain.
Did I mention the head injury I sustained from being hit by a neighbour? Sadly, the swelling hasn’t subsided since and I am afraid to even think of the kind of damage that’s caused.
A TNR volunteer heard of my plight and contacted them for help. I am desperate for funds to facilitate my treatment for TVT which consists of spaying (females) first and then strong medication which causes severe lack of appetite and nausea for a while. My head injuries also need to be attended to.
My pups had to be given away because my family can’t manage to feed and maintain them. You are my only chance; please help me have a shot at a better life.
Silver Needs You, Please Help Her!
To Donate:
Mpesa Paybill: 921408
Account: SILVER
Contact Us:
FB TNR Trust Nairobi