The Power Within – The Power Of Thought
There is a power within us which we are unable to control, and if we do learn how to control it, we can manifest almost anything in life.
This power is our Thoughts.
Now have you wondered how you were thinking of someone just this morning and suddenly you see the person in a shopping mall, or you get a phone call from them?
It’s not a coincidence! This is a vibration sent from your energy body to the other person, that’s how people who can read thoughts (telepathy) communicate, however, this needs years of training.
However many may not know this but thoughtforms are real. They are living entity beings, which take home in many parts of our energy body and Chakras for those who may be aware of them. Thoughtforms have colour, have a pattern and have a quality which they carry.
1. Quality of thought determines the colour.
2. Nature of thought determines the form.
3. Definiteness of thought determines clearness of outline.
There are thoughts we create daily from the research shows that we may be producing over 60 thousand thoughts daily… luckily not all thoughtforms are strong, most are short-lived. So which ones remain in our aura and actually
materialize? – For example, it actually happened, or your wish comes true… It’s the ones you feed the most.
How do we do this? By thinking over and over about them, this works for both positive and negative thoughts…
Remember there is a phrase people use ‘watch what you think and say, it may come true’, you can say something like that happens.
So one thing we perhaps can try and practice is Mindfulness mediation. This can be done by being aware 10 minutes a day and just being an observer of your thoughts, not reacting nor feeding them. The practice of Vipassana is also recommended in learning how to control one’s wandering thoughts & how to make use of them productively. The great Ramana Maharishi practised the meditation on awareness and peace. Remember, a mind which is still can achieve and connect to your inner self with much clarity. We can connect to the divine within us, that’s how we can get inner messages. The product is a thought! Remember, you are not the thoughts you are creating them.
The famous verse from the bible is saying just this. ‘Be still and know that I am God’ ― Psalm 46:10
You have the power to change how your thoughts influence your behaviour.
No one succeeds without effort… Those who succeed owe their success to perseverance. The degree of freedom from unwanted thoughts and the degree of concentration on a single thought are the measures to gauge spiritual progress. ― Ramana Maharishi
“Every living word that gives life was once without form.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson, Master of Maxims
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature. ― Marcus Aurelius
Some books recommended for you, to help you achieve mastery of your thoughts:
1. Autobiography of a Yogi― Author: Paramhansa Yoganada
2. Achieving Oneness with Higher Soul― Author: Master Choa Kok Sui
3. Thought Forms― Author: Leader Beater & Annie Beasant
4. The Chakras and its Function― Author: Master Choa Kok Sui
Shahwana Khanam – Pranic Healer