Be The Guardians Of Nature & Protect The Nairobi National Park!
The Nairobi National Park will hopefully celebrate 75 years since being gazetted, in December 2021, however many people are currently greatly concerned about the proposed 10-year management plan for the park. What if this was the year 2046, the 100th year of the Nairobi National Park? Would that year be a moment of great celebration? or merely a sober moment of reflecting on the sad, lost past? The year 2020 will be a very critical year in the history of the Nairobi National Park, a time when key leaders hopefully decide to keep a priceless Kenyan treasure intact with minimal infrastructural development inside the park, or sadly if proposed developments take place then Kenya will lose much of the priceless integrity of their National Asset we call the Nairobi National Park …Forever!!!
A priceless treasure is a treasure that is so valuable and unique that no money or any item of value can replace it. If this current generation does not act now, to stop any proposed habitat destructive development within the park, and find long term alternative solutions with minimal impact on ecosystems, then the Nairobi National Park will be reduced to a mere “green island” in an ocean of concrete.
God has put many wonderful treasures on this earth. The Nairobi park is a priceless treasure that needs to be kept intact for future generations. Concerned citizens and environmental organizations need to take urgent action! Let’s make history together by urgently working together to leave a legacy we can all be proud of, so that future generations can reflect on our actions, and thank us for protecting Kenyan national heritage! The Latin words “Custos Naturae” translate into English as Guardian of Nature. Custos Naturae is also the motto on the logo of the South African National Parks, however irrespective of where we are in Africa or even worldwide, we need to protect God-given natural resources. Kenya is blessed with incredible natural diversity that needs to be protected for future generations as a national heritage. There are beautiful national parks that are gazetted by law to be protected, including the 117sqkm Nairobi National Park. In the book of Genesis 1 vs 27-28, it is written – So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
We need to ask ourselves, are we really the Guardians of Nature that we are meant to be? Pray, we all start to really care about nature! Kenya must decide now what the year 2020 be? A sad loss? or hopefully, a legacy to be proud of in 2046?
brilliant and thanks for sharing