The Great Escape!- Article by Gareth Jones

The Great Escape

The Great Escape!

Early one morning while driving through the park, I suddenly had a “flashback moment” of a traumatic incident that happened to me during the post-election violence on the morning of Monday 14th April 2008…. “ One of my managers had informed at 06h50 that transport in Nairobi had been disrupted, with multiple violence in many places. In the relative peace of the Nairobi National Park, I simply imagined that it was perhaps only isolated incidents.

I then proceeded onwards to work by driving through the Nairobi National Park and even saw some lions next to the road. After leaving the park through the east gate, I drove down Enterprise Rd (my normal route), the roads were very quiet and everything was seemingly normal until I reached the Railway line crossing. Then suddenly a gang of more than 20 people started stoning the cars immediately in front of me, the driver of the first car failed in attempting to turn around and was attacked, as rocks and stones were thrown at all vehicles. In a split-second decision, my only escape option was to make a bold move and to go forward by swerving and driving up the pavement directly at the attackers. Everything happened very fast, I cried out “Jesus, Help me”, and accelerated in 3rd gear. Just then the first rock hit my driver’s window. I had put my head down as low as possible, steering with one hand, as many rocks and stones pelted onto and into my vehicle, with shattered pieces of glass flying around. The gauntlet lasted only about 100m (near Tetrapak). I continued to drive to work, on arrival I even greeted shocked staff members, as I brushed pieces of glass off me.

Physically I had heavy bruising on my right upper shoulder and lesser bruising elsewhere, thankfully my thick jacket reduced the impact of some rocks. Praise God for His protection in this situation, as it could have been a lot worse if they had hit my head or succeeded in stopping my vehicle, only afterwards did I hear that gangs in other areas had already killed a number of people and damaged many vehicles. Phew! It was close, very close! It could have been something much more serious.

We all go through challenges, and I continue to pray for peace in Kenya. On that morning I thankfully made a “great escape” from being attacked by a mob. However, for an even better “great escape” moment from the pressures of this world, the Nairobi National Park has very therapeutic effects like a “soul tonic” that heals wounded souls. It is a ‘green island in a sea of development’. Yes! Why not Escape from the city dangers and enjoy the relative peace of nature?


the great escape
Gareth Jones – Nairobi Park Diary – A passionate writer & photographer