Be “The Creatures Voice” Of The Nairobi National Park!!!
In December 2021 The Nairobi National Park will hopefully celebrate 75 years since being gazette in December 1946. Since the humble beginning, when Mervyn Cowie was the first Warden, many caring people have been involved over the years in ensuring that the Nairobi National Park remains intact as a viable ecosystem. Over some extended time, some battles have been won, and sadly some battles have been lost. As we are all aware we do not live in a perfect world, and the park is constantly being threatened in many ways, including being surrounded by the developments of a growing mega-city, pollution, poaching, Wildlife-Human conflict, etc. Sadly, some species like bat-eared fox have not been sighted within the park for many decades, and a number of other species are rarely seen or threatened.
At this 75 year mark in the history of the park, there is an increasing need for more people to be active in ensuring the future. Although the creatures within the park and surrounding buffer area do communicate to themselves, they cannot speak as we do. So effectively what the Nairobi National Park needs, is many more caring people who will “be a voice for the creatures who cannot speak!” There are many ways to get involved. Especially in the area of education, schools and parents can encourage children and young adults to get involved in nature conservation. The ongoing education of Tour operators should also remain a priority as they are a vital voice to share information about the park with visitors. The Friends of Nairobi National Park (FoNNaP) has been a powerful voice for the creatures for many years in partnership with the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). However, in the current reality, there are ongoing challenges affecting the park, and therefore more people are required to get involved in taking practical actions.
What if this was the year 2046, the 100th year of the Nairobi National Park? Would that year be a moment of great celebration or merely a sober moment of reflecting on the sad, lost past?
A priceless treasure is a treasure that is so valuable and unique that no money or any item of value can replace it. God has put many wonderful treasures on this earth. The Nairobi National Park is a priceless treasure that needs to be kept intact for future generations. Concerned citizens and environmental organizations need to continue to take action! Let’s make history together by working together to leave a legacy we can all be proud of, so that future generations can reflect on our actions, and thank those who responded for protecting a Kenyan national heritage!
The Latin words “Custos Naturae” translate into English as Guardian of Nature. Custos Naturae is also the motto on the logo of the South African National Parks, however, irrespective of where we are in Africa or even Worldwide, we need to protect the God-given natural resources. Kenya is blessed with incredible natural diversity that needs to be protected for future generations as a national heritage. There are beautiful national parks that are gazetted by law to be protected, including the 117sq km Nairobi National Park.
In the book of Genesis 1 vs 27-28, it is written – So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
We need to ask ourselves, are we really the Guardians of Nature that we are meant to be? Pray we all start to really care about nature! …. decide now what the future will be? A sad loss? or hopefully, a legacy to be proud of in 2046? Pray many many people have a change of heart, and become a powerful voice for the creatures who cannot speak !!!
For those who would like to get involved by coming members of the Friends of Nairobi National Park (FoNNaP) please contact them on +254723690686 or email [email protected] or at Office 14, Langata Link, Langata, Nairobi. You can also visit their website