Discover The Simple Yet Effective Method To Stay Above The Line – Embrace Joy, Peace, & Positive Choices!
There are times when we have to hit the pause button and reflect. Reflecting allows us to gain clarity and perspective on our thoughts, actions, and decisions. It helps us make more informed choices and learn from our experiences.
So as we near the end of the month, let’s take a moment to reflect together. And I would like us to do this using a very complex and powerful tool called “The Black Line”.
So, take a journal and open it up. Next, take a Black pen. It has to BE BLACK – because this very complex, complicated, and powerful method is called “The Black Line” Process.
Now, draw a BLACK Line across the page, dividing the page into two sectors.
I want you to go ahead and label these two sections: Take a deep breath.
On the Top section, write: ABOVE THE LINE. On the Bottom Section: BELOW THE LINE
I’m sweating already! This is going to be so hard!
OK. Jokes Over! No, this is actually a very simple and basic awareness exercise that I feel EVERYONE must do from time to time.
Where are you living from currently? Above the line (joy, happiness, contentment, peace) or Below the line (anger, frustration, struggle, apathy)?
What are your thoughts like at this moment? Above the line? (positive, happy, harbouring good, optimistic) Or Below the line (Negative, pessimistic, doubtful, fearful)?
How are you looking at the person next to you: your spouse, parents, children, neighbour (with love, gratitude, compassion, openness to help, an opportunity to help and grow with) or (with despise, hate, loathing, and irritability)?
What kind of words do you utter throughout the day? What kind of Food and Activities do you consume or engage in during the day?
This simple and basic yet quite powerful tool can literally help you get back above the line! In less than a blink of an eye!
And your job is to simply get back ‘Above the line’!
I hope you enjoyed this awareness exercise, let me know in the comments below if you did!
Alia Datoo, Transformational Holistic Energy Coach